Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [coord] [art] [noun sg] is " in BNC.

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1 Finally , check that the ‘ Reset ’ S1 and ‘ Manual ’ S3 functions operate and the unit is then ready for use .
2 We explored the intricate channels of the Sound of Harris ( in the days before it was buoyed ) , and poked our bows under the awful cliffs of Mingulay near Barra Head , where a thousand seabirds clamour and the sun is shut out at noon .
3 Considerable remains of houses and public buildings exist and the layout is clearly defined .
4 But when Saturdays come and the pressure is on you can see that some players are not as confident as they should be and that 's probably our main problem . ’
5 Where the Local Government Superannuation Regulations apply and the employee is not eligible to be a member of that superannuation scheme , a payment will be made to the employee under the terms of the Regional Council 's Gratuity Scheme subject to the conditions of the scheme being met .
6 Country parishes amalgamate and the vicar is seen on Sunday ln three : the village shop is nobbled by the supermarket ; the bus service — rationalised and subsidised — becomes more infrequent .
7 The opening line , ‘ I am the ghost of troubled Joe , ’ ( from ‘ A Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours ’ ) almost gave the game away .
8 The post-mortems continue but the truth is , that from an operational viewpoint , the 1,500V DC Woodhead line is not missed for a moment .
9 The two necessary conditions of contiguity and repetition apply but the procedure is different .
10 We are essentially interested here in cases where important natural monopoly industries exist and the choice is between a free market and various forms of regulation .
11 In studies of small mammal decay , it has been found that in hot climates the soft parts decay and the carcase is reduced to bone and sinew within 6–8 days ( Korth , 1979 ) .
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