Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [prep] [art] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 An intercommodity spread between two index futures , where the shares in one index are a subset of the shares in the other index , represents a futures contract on the shares that are in one index but not the other .
2 Both methods suffer from the problem that performance of the file degrades as additions are made , and in consequence they both require that the file should be reorganized at regular intervals .
3 All these different kinds of thinking appear in the examples that follow .
4 Moving the smaller oval into place is much easier than you might expect because of the way guidelines appear as the point that you have picked up come into alignment with important features on other object .
5 One of the oddities , though , is when C and M slip across a piece that has little or nothing to do with the high-tech graphics which preface their speciality corner .
6 IT 'S DIFFICULT to know whether Joe Bear 's statement ‘ we 're out of tune but you 'll just have to put up with it ’ is an apology or the title of the first song , as Huggy Bear embark upon a set that includes lots of shouting , inept but enthusiastic attempts to play their instruments and generally deconstructs the rock myth with the viciousness of a tantrum in the nursery .
7 But no such agreement will be binding on third parties save to the extent that they have knowledge thereof .
8 TOBY BALDING returned home to his Weyhill stables after racing at Cheltenham on Saturday secure in the knowledge that in Beech Road and Morley Street he trains the two best hurdlers in the country .
9 Above all we can not ignore it : whereas at one time we might have been able to smile at the perversity of the local watch committee in another town , the collective action of several dozen politically motivated local authorities to ban News International publications effectively took censorship in libraries well beyond the silly season in the Press ; and whereas we could once afford to hang back with our copies of Fanny Hill secure in the knowledge that we would be nowhere near the top of the prosecution list , Section 28 is in place and ready to pick us off should we try to share our enthusiasm for homosexual literature with more than a few of our consenting adult users .
10 The contracting parties proceed on the understanding that international treaties and agreements to which the FRG is a contracting party , including treaties establishing membership of international organizations or institutions , shall retain their validity and that the rights and obligations arising therefrom … shall also relate to the territory specified in Article 3 of this treaty …
11 Warlow and his supporters point to the fact that certain quasars ( highly energetic galaxies ) have jets of material emerging from their cores : could it not be that stars and big gassy planets can behave analogously ?
12 HOW does a globular protein adapt to a mutation that forces a surplus residue into a helix ?
13 Half empty shops point to the fact that the devices were discovered during one of the busiest periods of the week …
14 This issue is currently at the centre of pedagogical discussions about language , since many teaching methods rest on the assumption that when children talk or write , they are also developing their ability to think .
15 Such considerations lead to the idea that the way non-words are read is by first dividing them up into their graphemes ( CHOOPH-CH + OO + PH or SLOATCH — S + L + OA + TCH ) and then using a table of grapheme-phoneme correspondence rules to find the appropriate phoneme for each grapheme .
16 Lithographic duplicators work on the principle that oil and water do not mix .
17 The admission of several neutral countries need not lead to a stifling of their differences within a monolithic defence structure ; it could instead lead to a flexible approach to defence , in which individual Member States integrate to the extent that they feel is necessary and beneficial .
18 I do n't think any of the committee disagree with the fact that people want jobs .
19 Ministers of all denominations testify to the fact that renewal and growth began as they met with those in their churches burdened by God to confess their spiritual apathy or impotence and to seek his power to heal their defeated lives and divided churches in order to become the people he intended them to be , not only in the Church , but in the world .
20 The popular Scot might not relish the thought of another 10 months on the road , but at least he departs his home in the West of Scotland secure in the knowledge that he has overcome the chronic putting problems which at one time threatened to end his career .
21 The rows of each table refer to the spatial entities , whether they be lines , points or polygons , while the columns refer to the variables that are measured on these spatial entities ( Figure 7.6 ) .
22 Once the excavation is over , the vast majority of sites revert to the anonymity that they possessed before it started .
23 As discussed earlier in this chapter , the Conservatives counter with the argument that the generation of wealth is the pre-requisite for increasing social spending programmes .
24 The Croats point to the fact that they retained their own chief executive — the ban ; their own assembly , the Sabor ; and their own judicial system .
25 These lethal little amphibians belong to a family that has been given the name of poison-arrow frogs .
26 Further barriers come from the fact that alumina plants are highly specialised ; switching among alternative sources of bauxite of varying chemical composition can add anywhere between 20–100 per cent to the operating costs ( Stuckey , 1983 : pp. 53–55 ) .
27 Inside the two women who keep the inn serve through the hatch that opens on to the one room .
28 This homology along with the finding that the genetically obese Zucker rat ( fa/fa ) , in which obesity is characterised by profound hyperphagia , have a 60% reduction in their fasting pancreatic procolipase content compared with normal rats lead to the suggestion that the peptide might have a possible physiological role in appetite regulation .
29 The standing of the statement needs initially to be determined and it may be elevated to the rank of contractual term if the courts consider on the facts that this was the intention of the parties .
30 Holding solicitors confirm to the others that their client 's part is signed and is identical to the part signed by the other party ; they agree they will forthwith insert in both parts the agreed completion date .
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