Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [adv] by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This had been one of the demands put forward by the Eco-glasnost group at public protests in Sofia in October 1989 .
2 As employers respond to the guidelines set out by the UKCC then parity of courses will emerge and budgets for courses will need to be arrived at in response to local situations .
3 Catherine laid it down that every post should be paid , but the limited funds set aside by the government were rapidly eroded by inflation .
4 ‘ I 've seen 'em , Gloria , with that Biddy crone down by the warehouses !
5 A group of unions has endorsed proposals put forward by the Involvements and Partnership Association a document towards industrial partnership was signed in September nineteen ninety two , by the General Secretaries of the A W E U , A U T , B I F U , the G M B , I M S F , N C U , U C W , and .
6 Conditions of unification included a 1:1 exchange rate for the East and West German Mark for savings , wages and pensions ( rather than the less favourable proposals put forward by the West German Bundesbank — see below ) , and the safeguarding of rights to employment , housing and education .
7 In the third case Mrs Jones refused to accept the proposals put forward by the professionals for meeting Tom 's needs .
8 Delegates failed to approve two sets of restructuring proposals put forward by the EC countries and by the USA .
9 Mrs Angela Rumbold , Education Minister , said in a BBC Radio interview that there was no question of reviving the proposals put forward by the Higginson Committee for a ‘ leaner and fitter ’ five-subject Alevel .
10 The agreement was based on proposals put forward by the Commission in February 1991 [ see pp. 38023 ; 38352-53 ] .
11 The proposal — involving the setting up of three wholly-owned subsidiaries to separate handling of household supplies , industrial sales and pipeline transmission — represents a compromise on the more radical proposals put forward by the industry watchdog , Ofgas , for dismantling the company into separate regional suppliers .
12 That is on the basis of the proposals put forward by the County Council .
13 Mr Patten said there had been ‘ static in the air ’ before over proposals put forward by the Hong Kong government .
14 In essentials it embodied the proposals put forward by the Peoples Front Propaganda Committee and by G.D.H. Cole in previous years .
15 In Cheshire the plans put forward by the boundary commissioners were opposed by local Unionists and counter-proposals put forward by their chairman , Sir Alan Sykes .
16 The remaining four review the plans put forward by the business units and challenge them ; as one company commented , ‘ playing devil 's advocate ’ .
17 It is the first time crews outside London have decided to cut themselves off from controllers and to accept only those calls put through by the police , the fire service , GPs , hospitals and the public .
18 The form of control was to be through the concepts of purpose and relevancy , and each of the alleged reasons put forward by the Minister for not referring was subjected to them .
19 The reasons put forward by the majority and the dissenting member are equally convincing .
20 In order to make the best of a case at this stage most claimants will need advice and assistance because preparing a case for appeal involves three tasks : establishing the facts of the case , understanding the applicable legal rules and integrating facts and law in a well-constructed argument which includes meeting the reasons put forward by the adjudication officer for denying the claim .
21 I would say that the five advantages of our alternative draft is that er it makes it clear that the policy applies to land outside the national parks and so forth but with less repetition than the proposal put forward by the county council .
22 They also welcomed the prospect of a unified Germany ; reaffirmed the commitment to reduce the Third World 's debt burden , specifically supporting proposals to extend repayment periods put forward by the Paris Club of creditor countries ; and reiterated the commitment to combat drug trafficking .
23 The banks or organisations that issue them guarantee payment of bills run up by the credit card holder up to a certain limit .
24 The flaws in some of the ideas put forward by the Board have been cogently exposed , but it has shown a welcome willingness to take account of criticisms and alter its position accordingly .
25 1989 No. 339 ) and the amounts of the costs put forward by the father 's solicitors exceeded those properly allowable under the Legal Aid in Family Proceedings ( Remuneration ) Regulations 1991 ( S.I .
26 But Mr Rafsanjani is exposed to accusations that he is departing from the policies set out by the leader of Iran 's Islamic revolution , the late Ayatollah Khomeini , and may have seized on the Mujahideen attacks to demonstrate that he is not selling out the imam 's legacy .
27 These changes put forward by the government are extremely controversial .
28 The study aims to present a descriptive account of election campaigning in Britain , considering in particular the use of new technology , and to assess the extent to which the outcome of the election was affected by the efforts put in by the parties and their volunteer workers in the constituencies .
29 Despite a last minute clear up by the travellers the common was still strewn with waste — the leftovers of a twenty thousand strong party .
30 The King of Saudi Arabia is not exempt from the regulations set forth by the Shari'a .
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