Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [adv prt] [conj] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The question may have niggled at the 7,776 advertising talents who entered their work for the prestigious Design & Art Direction Awards , some of whom will turn up tonight at a glittering Grosvenor House junket to find out whether they have won one of the silver or gold pencils .
2 ‘ It was a cruel crime to carry out and they escaped with £20 .
3 It 's just it 's very very very well , put it this way , children seem to learn language very very very very quickly and they 've got very very very little data to go on when they learn the language .
4 It is relevant to the theme of this chapter to point out that they have also been called " epieugeosynclines " , that is to say , fault-bounded geosynclines developed on top of old eugeosynclines .
5 Your vote to phone in and they said erm something about what was I gon na say no what was I gon na say ?
6 Having slept better that night , Fabia awakened on Tuesday and thought of Ven , thought of Cara and of Barney , and would dearly have liked to telephone her parents to find out if they had heard anything from her sister .
7 ‘ David ’ asked Joan if she would infiltrate the loyalist paramilitary organisations to find out where they hid their arms or ammunition .
8 ‘ There 's lots o' seats to set up and they want a nice big pulpit built , ’ the Nark continued , beginning to enjoy himself despite the possible danger to their freedom .
9 A wide net helps to prevent this happening and also allows the fish to turn round if they want to .
10 Property should come under the Trades Description Act and contracts should allow buyers to back out if they discover undeclared defects .
11 This has the great advantage that , from S1 , able pupils can be moved into a more challenging group , while those who find the pace too fast can be given the chance to catch up before they become discouraged .
12 The early Vikings believed that the rainbow was a bridge for the gods to walk over when they wanted to visit the earth .
13 With Rodber in their ranks , and the welcome return of Dooley after two-years ’ self-imposed exile , maybe the North will have plenty to shout about when they face London on December 19 .
14 He says , I feel awful we were making plans that being the week to go out so they had trouble with wagon so we had to spend some time on wagon .
15 ‘ In some cases smoking is as addictive as heroin and it is difficult for people to give up when they have been inhaling deeply for a number of years , ’ he told a news conference at the Royal Society in London .
16 Also , any programme should allow people to opt out if they wish .
17 Right , very good , that 's all from Headquarters , right then we move on to then any other business , erm I think mainly it 's just the odd verse with arrangements for next meeting , because our next meeting is our own A G M , erm , at , which we erm elect our officers for the next year , er , and there are , are other arrangements to make , erm we sometimes put a little form do n't we on the end of the minutes that , people to fill in if they wish to nominate someone , I think we should do that even though very , very rarely gets actually filled in , erm , and we have some post which we have elections for others where we can phone the people who are doing those jobs and , and hope they 'll carry on .
18 ‘ I would certainly encourage all council staff to speak out when they believe something may be wrong . ’
19 You know I mean can you think of anything more ridiculous with there you go they probably have n't got any other leg to stan I mean that 's no leg to stand on but they 've got nothing else to say really you know .
20 Only one very quiet pub and no shop windows to smash in after they 've got drunk .
21 Gayle , sent off during Birmingham 's Anglo-Italian Cup clash with Lucchese on Wednesday , has called on the players to toughen up as they face up to a New Year relegation battle .
22 So she could n't go out to work cos she 'd got young girls to bring up so they went to the social and the social turned round and said to them before we give you any money you 've got ta spend all this bloody redundancy you 've got ta have used all your savings , including the kids savings , and you 've got ta have nothing !
23 ‘ So he said he will have external examiners who will set tests to the children to find out whether they have learned the facts .
24 He noticed that someone had moved the few horses they had managed to round up , and sent two men to find out where they had been taken .
25 Many of the girls wanted to ask about domestic details such as rationing , clothes and saying goodbye to boyfriends while the boys frequently said they wanted to interview the men to find out if they had been on active service or if they had killed anyone .
26 If we 've got a world to live in as they say
27 Do you want two piece construction to go in as they 've done it , or just one trip in the end ?
28 ‘ Come in , Hari , sure Cleg will be that glad to see you , he 's been wearing his brother 's boots to work in and them pinching him like the devil . ’
29 Hence the scullions having to use small stools to stand on when they wanted to do anything like wash up dishes , stir soups or work controls .
30 Now they 're taking the case up with the Department of Health , the Foreign Office and the Home Office to find out where they stand if he ca n't pay .
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