Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] [det] " in BNC.

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1 In places where there is little opportunity to see films in English this sounds like a very good idea .
2 The results of the latest 24-hour workshop are now beginning to bear fruit in Juan 's view , as plans are now in place to strengthen relationships with customers such as Kansai , Tokyo Electric Power and Japan Nuclear Fuels Limited , which is building the large nuclear fuel cycle complex at Rokkashomura .
3 Much of this increase was due to the government 's privatization programme , which encouraged small investors to buy shares in companies such as British Telecom and British Gas .
4 The lower court had accepted a submission from eight dissident congressional deputies of the ruling Justicialist ( Peronist ) Party , that the proposed sale would give Austral a virtual monopoly over the domestic market , and granted a 60-day suspension to allow investigations into allegations that the tender violated Argentine company law .
5 Arranging for the employees to eat in the staff restaurant ( if any ) at the client 's premises might work , as might arrangements to supply lunches to staff all , however , somewhat cumbersome and complicated .
6 Some of those arguing for mixed-ability teaching did so on the narrowest professional grounds that it would improve teaching and learning , obliging teachers to treat pupils as individuals each proceeding at a different pace and in a different manner .
7 Other invitations to address groups of professionals such as associations of headteachers were offered and accepted .
8 The answer is that we can , without using intuition , speculation or hearsay concerning Z , prove that Z , C and M are logical consequences of the axioms A1 through to I. Now whilst algebraists do not regard it as their prime duty to reduce all such sets of axioms to a minimum size , it is part of an algebraist 's function to investigate consequences of axioms such as those just referred to .
9 Many of the mergers were designed to set up monopolies to raise prices in industries such as steel , electric power and railways .
10 Wholesalers , including Bertrams , Gardners , Barnicoats , Heathcote and TBD , were somewhat shocked to find themselves approached , in turn , by HarperCollins to discuss terms in Torquay this week .
11 This dilemma eventually led , in 1932 , to the JCP accepting that the only way to alter institutions of exploitation such as in the landlord system or in industry was indeed to dismantle the entire structure of the state as an Imperial family .
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