Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [conj] [pron] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 You can enjoy the freedom to wander where you want and stay at any of the hotels listed on the previous page ( there 's even a map making your choice of hotels quick and easy ) .
2 Carrying hot metal , or tripping blindfold between red-hot plough shares , or plunging the arm in boiling water were the usual tests , though the accused might be flung into a pond to see whether he sank or not , or forced to eat an ounce of bread or cheese to see if it stuck in the gullet !
3 Sue Harvey urges parents to think before they buy and not to play into the hands of the clubs :
4 The occasional hairline crack in external brickwork need not be of any significance , but should be observed over a period to see if it extends or widens .
5 I would wait a few weeks to see if it grows or clears up of its own accord and if it is still there , go to the vet .
6 There are plenty of places to visit and lots to see and do .
7 This does not coincide with the realistic view of mankind having to overcome the opposition of nature to do as he wishes and came and cultivate what originally posed a threat , and most often still does .
8 For once in my life there was no need to believe as I did or act as I chose for any reasons other than that I was personally convinced it was right .
9 instead , arranging activities together will help the young person to know that you care and will give them other things to do .
10 Leave the chocolate to stand until it cools and the mixture thickens slightly .
11 Most businesses rely on two complementary forces to ensure that they maintain and raise their standards .
12 So powerful did the Association feel itself to be that it declined to amalgamate into a nationally representative Shipping Federation which came into being in September 1890 , though it allowed its individual members to join if they wished and developed a working arrangement with it.Indeed the separatism of the Mersey shipowners lasted until 1967 when they eventually merged into a British Shipping Federation , though not under the title " Employers ' Labour Association " .
13 Now , as the chairman said we base the salaries of directors on two elements an element of base salary which looks at market levels and we ergo , have a fair base which reflects a sort of medium to upper level of companies of this size we then leverage , very carefully , a bonus scheme related to performance and I believe that is the right thing to do and I believe and so do my fellow directors who sit on that committee believe that it is one of the reasons that we 've seen the great growth in this company over the last five years which you 've achieved and which actually the Chancellor of the Exchequer would very glad about because it is increasing the wealth and the benefit of this country , particularly as a lot of those earnings are coming from overseas and will in , in time be repatriated in Britain .
14 Right , yeah so erm you know I mean that 's probably the best thing to do if you try and , try and at least keep up to date with the rest of this term and er you know not er make sure , even if you have n't been to a class at least you know what went , went on there from somebody
15 But the plant ca n't work in a group unless they have in order to evaluate or you know or other people sharing other people listening to those ideas and saying what was that idea again .
16 He , he 's , he 's not in a position to say whether he knows or not .
17 Informants have a great deal more liberty to range as they wish and to develop their ideas , and this ‘ freedom to roam ’ can be extremely useful in getting to the bottom of complex social situations and events .
18 I had some really good erm this too , listen to this , the woods are lovely dark and deep but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep .
19 The woods are lovely dark and deep but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep by Robert Frost , Robert Frost .
20 Unless you have lots of tanks to check or you keep and breed Discus , Rams or maybe Uaru , you have to question if all this fuss is any more convenient than a tube and tablet kit .
21 I wish I could share these feelings with those who do n't have a soul to care whether they live or die .
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