Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] then [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Having carried out such interviews ( and no set limit to them can be laid down ) researchers may then make a start on their topic headings and detailed questions .
2 In this example there are two consequences of the conditions being fulfilled : ( 1 ) the seller may make arrangements for storage and ( 2 ) the buyer must then reimburse the seller any costs and charges .
3 Anyone under that age caught at the wheel of any vehicle over 1.3 litres without a very good excuse should then face a life driving ban .
4 These interactions must then stabilize the structure sufficiently for the energically unfavourable clustering of internal carboxyl residues to be tolerated .
5 The user must then generate a steering file specifying the list of module names .
6 The user must then update the product using option 5.1.2 in order to associate it with the name and issue number of the product package for which it is to provide a reference .
7 Once the report is ready for publication , the archaeologist may then write a book or booklet on the excavation in terms that the general reader can understand .
8 It is enough that a project satisfy the purpose of ‘ the advancement of knowledge in biological or behavioural sciences , ( section 5.3(d) ) , although the applicant must then justify the necessity of using animals at all ( 5.5 ) , and in specific terms if the use of larger mammals is proposed ( 5.6 ) .
9 The performance of the industry might then satisfy the capital market , even though efficiency has not been raised .
10 The applicant could then run the business in the previous licensee 's name until an application for a full transfer of the licence was made to the licensing justices .
11 The association will then appoint a selection committee , usually comprising representatives from its different branches and associated groups such as the Young Conservatives .
12 The other is to take a spur from the socket outlet circuit , via a switched fused connection unit , fitted with a 3amp fuse , and use this to feed the light — the switch will then turn the light on and off .
13 LISTREL will then prompt the user to enter up to a maximum of 32 valid charge codes which are to be included in the Listing .
14 The parties will then have an opportunity to attend the hearing and make representations before the court makes a final decision .
15 The insurers will then review the scope of the warranties and the depth and content of the disclosures being made against the warranties .
16 Social closure can then imply the capacity a class has to defend its interests ( as for the upper class ) or a condition of being ‘ enclosed ’ disadvantageously ( as for the working class ) .
17 The Park might then have a chance to return to the ‘ wild character ’ which is its chief delight .
18 If the bird keeps struggling , it will be clawed and bitten repeatedly by its captor , but if it lies still the cat may then make the mistake of putting it down on the ground and releasing it from its jaws .
19 Although they can gently put their point of view , parents must then accept the situation .
20 The parent should then invite the teenager to give his/her viewpoint , and the teenager may reply : ‘ I am satisfied with my room as it is .
21 The huntsman could then claim the dragon 's treasure hoard , and it is said that many of the noble houses of England were thus financed .
22 Knowledge is power and withholding it meant that Wheeler could then play a blame game with Ian for his not knowing something which he ought to have known .
23 The parent could then suggest a compromise , such as ‘ I will undertake not to go into your room , then I wo n't feel upset and ca n't nag you .
24 The reference would then alter the binding of ‘ he ’ from the dog to the vet , purely because the structure for the ‘ he ’ pronoun comes first in the logical form .
25 The General Committee shall then fix a date for a special meeting to decide which nomination , if any , shall be submitted to the National Executive Committee for endorsement as prospective parliamentary candidate .
26 This could be replicated , at least superficially , by boiling in a concentrated caustic soda solution to give a white patination ; the addition of a few rusty nails would then turn the patina brown .
27 The miners would then search the hush for the vein and would cut trenches in the hillside , herring-boning outwards from the hush to discover the direction in which the vein led into the hillside .
28 The intermediary would then send a boy or servant with the cattle owner to ‘ search ’ for the missing animal , which would be found tied to a tree in a nearby forest .
29 The hitter would then nominate the number of strides he needed to fetch the pig .
30 You send us a cheque from Canada , and we 'll issue a cheque to our bank in London , and the payee will then receive the money there . ’
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