Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] have to be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If Britain was to farm without the benefit of subsidies it would clearly have to enjoy some significant advantages — and before advocating radical policies the industry would have to be in a position to answer ‘ yes ’ to a number of harsh economic questions .
2 With Ferranti needing to raise a minimum of £150m in new equity , the issue would have to be on the basis of one for two .
3 It would have to be at least , erm , what would it have to be , it would have to be at least the benefit , yes , the benefit would have to be at least four on the , on the B's side , in order for that to work .
4 There are still many areas in Great Britain where there are test centres who are an awful long way from the motorway , and at the moment , Banbury is in that position , so the driving test would have to be at least something like 2 or 3 hours duration by the time they got out there and driven .
5 Their very lives would have to be at stake first .
6 That was when the watchers would have to be at their best .
7 To be worthwhile , any such conference would have to be of sufficient weight so that it could have a decisive effect on the ‘ official ’ international conferences — several of which had already taken place with the express purpose of reviewing the treaty , but which had succeeded in producing only confusion and bitterness .
8 Provision of some sort would have to be in place by 1995 to comply with the 1991 Criminal Justice Act which requires local authorities to provide secure accommodation for 15 and 16-year-olds on remand .
9 This meant , for example , that no smoking would be allowed and the use of the blue drawing room would have to be on an occasional basis .
10 Policy H Seven applies in the event of Skelton being an inset area when any development would have to be within the settlement , and no more than small-scale , precluding D thirty nine and D forty .
11 This is understandable for actual evidence can be only archaeological , and that means that such evidence would have to be of a concrete nature .
12 And Weir will have to be in top form to get a decision over the Dublin champion who could well be his bogey and the host Association 's best bet to win an Irish title this weekend .
13 In the main , larval control would have to be near perfect in its efficiency and to allow very few adults to survive .
14 Such a policy would have to be in conjunction with better policing of regions by park patrols and resident ecologists .
15 His percentage short passing game will have to be at its sharpest to stop the Oilers ' linebackers turning Smokin' Joe into smoked quarter back .
16 Indeed , they avoid the issue of accountability altogether , for to hold a group accountable the employment contract would have to be with the group , not with the individuals , and companies simply do not employ groups as such .
17 With old people who are both deaf and blind , communication may have to be by spelling out key words on the palm of the hand , or writing letters on the forehead .
18 Of course the dictator would have to be of the right political colour , or he might shoot the wrong people .
19 Moreover , to accomplish a programme of rapid industrialisation ( the favoured economic strategy of Che , Raúl Castro and Carios Rafael Rodriguez ) the state would have to be in control of the main sectors of the economy , which again would lead to an unavoidable confrontation with the United States .
20 To invest such works a besieging army would have to be at least 700,000 strong , and London would be able to hold out a very long time , as the example of Paris showed ; the Prussian siege there lasted five months , and had things gone a little differently Paris might have been relieved .
21 Where no right of appeal exists a review of the licensing board 's decision will have to be by way of a petition for judicial review or an action of reduction/declarator ( board acting ultra vires , Allied Breweries ( U.K. ) Ltd. v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1985 S.L.T. 302 ; reduction of decision under s.66 , temporary restriction , Elantosh Ltd. v. City of Edinburgh District Licensing Board , 1984 S.L.T. 92 , overruled , Grainger v. City of Edinburgh District Licensing Board , 1989 G.W.D. 13–568 ) .
22 Its guidlines state that the bypass would have to be within a hundred yards of the road or the conditions intolerable before the property would be bought , though the Judge Mr Justice Latham said that in his view those guidelines were a shambles .
23 Such consultation will have to be with a view to reaching agreement .
24 After three straight defeats against Grimsby , Chelsea and Leicester City , Newcastle will have to be on their guard against danger man Speedie .
25 Erm tickets will have to be on sale from October you see .
26 In these cases , prevention might have to be in terms of limiting sales from chemist shops .
27 The pump would have to be below the surface of the water , how would I set this up ?
28 Pears would have to be in a position to do himself justice .
29 Although opposition parties , including the True Path Party ( TPP ) , condemned Soviet action in Azerbaijan , Özal stressed on Jan. 27 that any Turkish assistance to Azeris living in Azerbaijan would have to be with the consent of the Soviet Union .
30 In these circumstances , if the trust had been validly set up , then judgment would have to be for the beneficiary .
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