Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] [be] think of [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Modernist organizations may be thought of in terms of Weber 's typification of bureaucratized , mechanistic structures of control , as these were subsequently erected upon a fully rationalized base of divided and deskilled labour .
2 Unit trusts must buy back any units investors wish to sell , at the prevailing price , and so investors can obtain liquidity at any time , although of course if instant liquidity is required the transaction may have to be carried out at unfavourable prices , and so units should be thought of as long term investments with a deposit account held at a bank or building society for liquid funds .
3 If the VGA or SuperVGA monitor of your PC can be thought of as a car , then the graphics card should be thought of as the engine .
4 The nonwords should be thought of as new words , previously unencountered , and as letter-strings which could be words .
5 The wide mouth might be thought of as a kind of lawn mower for taking up vast quantities of grass to support their huge bodies .
6 An individual firm 's demand for labour can be thought of as a derived demand — it is derived from the consumers ' demand for the firm 's product .
7 Fear can be thought of as a force in itself which we feed - the more we feed our fears , the stronger the force becomes and the more it assails us .
8 In another analogy , our mind can be thought of as a huge tapestry in which the many episodes of life were originally isolated and there was no relationship between the parts ; but at last we must make a unified scene of our whole life .
9 Ruach and nephesh can be thought of as each having their own circle of meaning .
10 At the other extreme , light can be thought of as the final and complete revelation of spiritual reality .
11 Engineering standards and Codes of Practice can be thought of as the result of generic risk assessments .
12 geographical areas , e.g. the North and South of England may be thought of as separate markets for many products ;
13 If communities can be thought of as houses , we are as concerned to discover what goes on in the bedroom , bathroom and kitchen as in the dining-room and sitting-room .
14 The former reference can be thought of as a private sector illustration of financial accountability .
15 The profile may be thought of as a set of fake hybridisations with the set of M mapped probes and the probe/contig , and consequently may be displayed using show .
16 The science and art of maintaining , breeding and displaying wild animals successfully in captivity may be thought of as something akin to gardeners with green fingers .
17 To say that the stance is one of knowing does not necessarily imply a belief in ‘ objectivity ’ ; the process may be thought of as a hermeneutic , interpretative one in which objective knowledge is not possible .
18 A dun should be thought of as a fortified dwelling .
19 A dun should be thought of as a fortified dwelling .
20 The price paid for a warrant can be thought of as part of the subscription price for a share which may ( or may not ) be issued at a future date .
21 In this typical example , the allosteric enzyme can be thought of as a switch .
22 The tracks can be thought of as patterns of gene activity and the ball as a developing cell .
23 At the higher values of the Richardson number , the turbulence may be thought of as random superposition of internal waves ( Section 15.4 ) .
24 Thus evolution can be thought of as a process of hill-climbing .
25 In a way , development can be thought of as a cascade , one event leading to another .
26 These positive actions can be thought of as good practice in risk management .
27 For you , all historical writing must be thought of as evidence .
28 We intend to reject this approach , and instead to embrace Dahl 's claim that ‘ every large corporation should be thought of as a social enterprise ; that is , as an entity whose existence and decisions can be justified only insofar as they serve public or social purposes ’ .
29 None of these five constituencies is itself anything like an authentic community , and the notion that the two County constituencies could be thought of as parts of the same community as the three City constituencies is laughable .
30 Entropy can be thought of as a measure of the chaos , randomness or disorder of a system .
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