Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] [verb] you [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Teas should be savoured and the following brief descriptions may encourage you to try something deliciously different .
2 Sometimes management may allow you to keep your room later but they are entitled to make a charge if they wish .
3 The mirror image of a helix is a precise replica of it except that no amount of turning will allow you to superimpose one on the other .
4 You 'd both better come back to the farmhouse , and Mrs. Olinton will help you to clean yourselves and give you some tea .
5 Even if you do n't want to go back to your ex-wife , counselling may help you to free yourself from the past .
6 From Victoriana automata to Star Wars robots , this 8-channel serial port interface will allow you to control their actions through your home computer .
7 A little knowledge will help you to discover which types you like and how to spot a faulty wine .
8 Oliver will follow you to fill them .
9 RE will allow you to air your opinions and listen to other people 's — an exciting challenge for anybody !
10 Our kitchen planning service will help you to get it right first time .
11 People would expect you to do everything for them ; revitalise the planet , solve all their problems , etc. ’ without doing anything themselves .
12 ‘ You may not care for it much just now , but Biff Thacker will teach you to like it . ’
13 A small screw in the fact of the patch will help you to pull it down .
14 She wants to help you ; and of course people will employ you to help them solve their problems ; but that will not make you popular with the Medjays or with Horemheb . ’
15 This will be much easier to do if the dog will allow you to lift its feet .
16 On the contrary , your heightened awareness should help you to appreciate your food more while fuelling your system with the best ‘ high-octane petrol ’ the market offers .
17 It 's late , and your doctors would want you to get your rest . ’
18 Increased contacts with teachers will enable you to understand their skills and expertise so that you can recognise their achievements .
19 The Army can teach you to handle anything — except loneliness . ’
20 The form of a report should allow you to put your ideas across to your readers .
21 Tennis World would like you to have your say on the issue .
22 Our expert 's tips will help you to cover your roots .
23 If a giant has come to town the children will allow you to have your council meeting to discuss what the townspeople should do about it , but what they really want to do and what they will learn most from is dealing with the giant .
24 A proper understanding of this aspect will allow you to create your own ideas much more easily and effectively .
25 There are many disciplines which can help in this task , and the department 's team of more than thirty discipline specialists will help you to learn them .
26 Remembering this principle will help you to concentrate your energies on the right 20 per cent of tasks , making these the ‘ A ’ priorities .
27 If doing a deal with another company will help you to get their records out to people then I ca n't see why you should n't do it .
28 Aapri 's new Facial Wash Gel can help you to help your skin combat the winter weather .
29 Everything I 've said about the training of Dawn might lead you to think it 's just a question of patience and keeping her weight at the right level , but there really is much more to it than that .
30 Motion three three four also deals with the abolition of the Wages Council and the C E C would like you to ask you to support it , but with qualification , that a national minimum wage rather than a national Wages Council is likely to be the best way to set a minimum rate of pay .
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