Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] [verb] we [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The contrast between these two cases should warn us against generalising propositions which make either fluidity and mobility of the working class , or tradition and community within particular branches , into uniquely favourable conditions for socialist organisation ( the first is perhaps Bologna 's temptation ; the second appears to be the temptation of the work done under the auspices of the ‘ History Workshop ’ ) .
2 Perhaps we do not yet have the tools for a scientific resolution of this task and this is where Utopian thinking may aid us in identifying our political goals .
3 We have to grasp the opportunity , and we hope that all ASH Supporters will join us in persuading people of the case for a ban on advertising .
4 By defining standards of rationality ‘ the methodology of research programmes might help us in devising laws for stemming … intellectual pollution ’ .
5 ‘ Yeah , the rats 'd thank us for getting rid of a human , ’ he went on .
6 Will my right hon. Friend confirm that our friends and allies round the world who may be faced with potentially aggressive neighbours are entitled to look to us for support in arms sales , for example , of the Challenger tank which is made in Leeds , and that nothing proposed on restricting arms sales generally in the interests of world peace will prevent us from supporting our allies in circumstances where that is necessary ?
7 He said he would wait to see if the Caliph would reward us for forcing the breach .
8 The objections that are raised against identity assumptions in respect of meanings in such a context are chiefly motivated by the fear that such assumptions might commit us to accepting meanings as some kind of entities .
9 The Leeming airfield can get busy at times , so anything up to a dozen Tornados a day can visit us for refuelling .
10 But as we have just seen , Strawson gives us reason to think that it can not be explicable in just this sense , and he is therefore mistaken in concluding that a holist theory would involve us in responding objectively to all actions .
11 ‘ We are hoping that our two new friends will assist us by acting as emissaries to the Court , ’ said Goibniu and , turning his head , smiled at Floy .
12 When he concluded by saying that : ‘ We at the ANC are convinced that cricket can assist us in achieving the new South Africa to which we all aspire , ’ he was warmly applauded by the tourists management and captain Kepler Wessels .
13 The new money will assist us in continuing this successful growth policy ’ .
14 Though our reason may fail us in discovering moral truths , it need not in verifying what the Bible says .
15 Sir John , perhaps rightly , thought that this was not our brief , and that the complexities of this problem would prevent us from submitting our Report on time .
16 Just when we 're strapped for cash , only a load of new clothes can save us from looking dowdy — you would n't be alone in thinking that the whole thing is nothing more than a brilliant wheeze dreamt up by the fashion industry whenever times get tough .
17 So , while the trial and conviction of Socrates do no credit to Athenian democracy , the event 's very lack of typicality ought to prevent us from drawing any grand and devastating conclusions about democracy from it .
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