Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] he [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ACROSS 1 Give bad reviews to dumb show — he might be in this ( 9 ) 6 Old-time US lawyer and rocker ( 5 ) 9 Reversing of French vehicle went quickly ( 5 ) 10 Dynamic object contains fungus ( 9 ) 11 Main entrance where he went Up the third time ? ( 3,5 ) 12 Baldwin shortly takes on church position ( 6 ) 14 The man himself ( 7,6 ) 16 New sandpit from E. Europe used to treat shoes ( 4,3,6 ) 21 Gauges placing a thousand rows ( 6 ) 22 Seller hears another way to say in other words ( 8 ) 25 Phone round Esquire readers with article on things observed ( 9 ) 26 One lady posed as the one with tattoos ( 5 ) 27 Equipment in ship for sketches he 's appeared in ( 5 ) 28 One put her away immediately ( 9 )
2 Elias Hrawi , the West Beirut-based ( Christian ) President , reportedly responded by saying that there would be no deal with Aoun until he gave up the presidential palace at Baabda and the Army command at Yarzeh .
3 Unable to face his wife in the bungalow in High Park Avenue and fearful of meeting her in one of the shops if he hung about the town , he set off for another walk along the beach , striking out this time in the opposite direction from the one he 'd taken that morning .
4 When they 'd finished their simple meal , obeying Michele 's instructions , Luce moved back to the couch while he cleared away the dishes and brought in coffee , glasses , and a crystal decanter .
5 Around one third of the furniture has been brought to Cornillon by Steinitz since he bought both the property and its contents twenty years ago .
6 Home captain Andy Rhodes was in steady action after he punched over an opening effort by Ian McCall .
7 He ran to his car , calling back to Aunt Nellie as he started up the engine : ‘ Ring up the A.A. box at Begwith and tell them to try and stop her . ’
8 My first clear memory is of sitting on the front of his horse as he galloped down a ploughed field , of the earth skittering and turning , and being safe in his arms .
9 Mr Taylor , of Grantham , said Liam had gradually improved , and his voice choked with emotion as he described how the next afternoon his son had opened his eyes and reached for his teddy bear .
10 He tossed her shorts away , then sat up and looked at her with desire-darkened eyes as he tugged down the zip on his own shorts and flung them away .
11 He fought with the Eighth Army and was mentioned in dispatches when he shot down a German plane with a machine-gun he had captured from an Italian plane .
12 DAVID Sinclair made himself the ideal employee when he filled in an application form for a sales job , a court heard yesterday .
13 Caesar found a census of the population in the Greek script when he took over the camp of the Helvetii ( Bell .
14 Newry were without the services of Erroll Lutton as he sweats out a three match suspension , but the return of Stephen Garvey and the addition of Ritchie Nummy to Newry 's back line-up certainly seemed to work well .
15 He was watching through the door-space as he backed down the hallway .
16 During a lunch break I sat with him in a village pub where he put away a few pints .
17 However in many ways , Caulfield is the complete opposite of Lucy Snowe ; where she is quiet and retiring , and hides her feelings , Holden speaks his ; for example , he will strike up a conversation with anyone he meets — at one point in the book , Holden asks his taxi-driver if he knows where the ducks in Central Park go when their lake freezes !
18 And the only other staff seems to be that young fellow in the kiosk , and I rather think he 's working for peanuts while he mugs up a thesis . ’
19 The Elves of Nagarythe were numerous and well-versed in sorcery , being descendants of those grim Elves who had followed Aenarion after he took up the Sword of Khaine .
20 He planned to bring her to meet his parents before he went there a second time , with her .
21 He left his office , nodded to Bourne as he walked down the hall , and called , ‘ I 'm going out . ’
22 Senior Sea King pilot Lt Cmdr George Wallace spoke of the shelling as he picked up the two injured men .
23 /In the dress rehearsal when he held out the ring to her she took his pulse .
24 He might even allow himself a wry laugh when he considers how the West has come to excoriate Ceausescu today , after all those years when they applauded his ‘ daring ’ dissent from Warsaw Pact orthodoxy , and acting as a thorn in the Kremlin 's body politic .
25 The landlord , partially blinded as he turned from sunlight into gloom , was aware only of a shadow ; a stirring of air ; a faint dull patter mixing into the rowdy mob-noise , and something brushing featherlight against his thigh as he waddled down the passage .
26 This production was only a qualified achievement , but Eyre succeeded in a different vein when he brought out the kindliness and charm of Harold Brighouse 's Hobson 's Choice at the Haymarket ( 1983 ) , in which Penelope Keith appeared to splendid effect .
27 HAMILTON PARK has always been one of Jack Berry 's happiest hunting grounds , and the Cockerham-based trainer was in his customary bubbly mood as he brought off a 15-1 double yesterday at the track 's final meeting of 1992 .
28 BILL CLINTON has given a chilling warning that Britain 's cosy relationship with the United States is heading for the big freeze when he takes over the White House .
29 CI winger Jim Cowden will today be ruing his first minute gaffe when he threw away a try by trying to run under the posts .
30 Secrett has refused to comment on his plans until he takes up the post .
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