Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] the [noun pl] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , the Perm leapt up and booted Charlie a couple of times in the ear with those famous feet until the heavies pulled him away .
2 He was on holiday in Spain when the producers asked him to return early to reshoot one or two scenes .
3 Certain value added tax cases would tend to indicate that the amount of benefit obtained by a taxpayer if the trustees allow him the use of a Ming Vase would equate to the sort of rent which they could have received if they had let the vase with appropriate adjustments being made for insurance , agreeing to house the vase , etc .
4 At the foot of the hill , just ahead of the expanding forest as the adventurers reach him , the Ethereal Champion of Tzeentch appears ( see Profiles ) .
5 He made it clear that he stayed at La Tour Monchauzet because the vines needed him — and because he was sure that one day — somehow — Isabelle would return to him , and he had to be here — waiting . ’
6 A similar tiny gesture takes on the same value when Alain rubs one foot up and down the other leg when the girls tickle him .
7 You had only to ride out the storm — inside preferably — ’ with a flash of humour as the heavens reminded him of their still present threat ‘ — and the dust would soon have settled .
8 Nor was I the innocent bystander taking his lunchtime beer in his local , to whom Shmekov slipped the information , two hours before the police grabbed him , that altered the Alliance 's whole strategy towards the opposing ’ powers in the Southern Apex .
9 In the event the doctor , a National Health GP on call that weekend if the police needed him , was the first to arrive .
10 At special stage 20 , the valiant 24-year-old Scot gunned his accelerator as the marshals gave him a five-second countdown .
11 And why should the Garrimpero heed the advice of the authorities when the authorities ignore him .
12 He killed Bel before the guards shot him , and now Gog is going to destroy Australia . ’
13 Some correspondent will probably now write to tell me that Brunson is bravely suffering from some life-threatening condition , but he delivered his questions between swallows with the aplomb of Peter Lorre squealing to Humphrey Bogart as the police drag him off to certain death in Casablanca .
14 ‘ I 'm sorry to be so much trouble , ’ Jim said to Mother as the men carried him in .
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