Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] at the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the Johannesburg commuter system , all station platforms were divided in half , for Whites and non-Whites respectively , and the trains were similarly divided so that the appropriate part stopped at the relevant stretch of platform .
2 Produced in six bi-monthly parts it gives an up-to-date , comprehensive summary of all decisions on human rights cases heard at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg .
3 With the skeg placed at the very back , there is also less chance of spin out .
4 And we now have fifty agents of different nationalities , all highly trained in the skills taught at the special place . ’
5 Citizens ' action groups protested at the environmental damage caused by NATO manoeuvres and , in August 1989 , the SPD called for an end to the special rights and privileges enjoyed by the allied forces .
6 Some provision was made for the giving of legal advice by salaried solicitors outside the ambit of private practice in the Legal Aid and Advice Act 1949 , but the part of the Act which would have established full-time paid solicitors located at the Legal Aid Area Headquarters and travelling to smaller places was never brought into force .
7 Her heart dropped at the ominous statement .
8 The cell developed at the Swiss Federation Institute of Technology in Lausanne superimposes a light-sensitive dye only one molecule thick on a thin layer of titanium dioxide , a commonly used industrial chemical .
9 After the early victories in Bath and Cheltenham , the faces of party supporters gathered at the Liberal Club in Mr Ashdown 's Yeovil constituency grew progressively longer as it became clear the predicted breakthrough was not going to happen .
10 After the early victories in Bath and Cheltenham , the faces of party supporters gathered at the Liberal Club in Mr Ashdown 's Yeovil constituency grew progressively longer as it became clear the predicted breakthrough was not going to happen .
11 Sir Charles Sherrington argued that the evolution of neuronal integration of reflexes concerned with movement gave rise to large ganglia situated at the front end of mobile animals , for that is where the sense organs develop .
12 The first person in each team is given a balloon and has to blow it down the room over tape placed at the other end without touching it .
13 Some recent research undertaken at the British Film Institute for a documentary on the history of black people and television has unearthed an interesting fact .
14 The Coroner was in his early forties , a gaunt , greying man , with thick spectacles perched at the very end of his nose .
15 THE Court of Appeal has the power to increase Dr Courtney 's seven-year sentence if it feels the term imposed at the Old Bailey is ‘ unduly lenient ’ .
16 As each subsequent requiem repeated the ritual exhibited at the primary mass , the cycle proved an expensive way of praying for the repose of the dead .
17 The results of a long-term study presented at the annual conference of the British Institute of Geographers have shown that the use of sewage sludge as a fertilizer can have damaging effects on the soil that can last for thousands of years .
18 The figure stabbed at the empty air .
19 In the years following 1868 she had several landscapes and religious pictures exhibited at the Royal Academy .
20 The wind licked at the white cloth and peeled up one corner .
21 No information exists for the data requested at the present time .
22 No information exists for the data requested at the present time .
23 No further information exists for the data requested at the present time .
24 No further information exists for the data requested at the present time .
25 No Quality Assurance information exists for the data requested at the present time .
26 No Software Performance Report ( SPR ) information exists for the data requested at the present time .
27 No Software Status Report ( SSR ) information exists for the data requested at the present time .
28 Clinical teaching is at the Small Animal Practice at Summerhall and the Large Animal Practice based at the Veterinary Field Station several miles south of the city .
29 The Manchester study is linked with a study based at the Social Science Research Unit in London which considers the social support needs of a group of socially disadvantaged women and children .
30 The lower — rough gravel and during the winter months flooded at the far end .
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