Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] on [noun] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The sets , often exquisitely detailed illusion painted on flats or fixed on netting , date from the early 1950s , but the costumes have been made afresh from the original designs and the production is relatively new .
2 De Sede states that Sauniere came across ciphers written on parchment and concealed in a hollow , Visigothic altar pillar , whilst renovating the church at Rennes-le-Chateaux .
3 Unemployment benefit would be reduced , and savings made on pensions and housing support .
4 She kept her eyes fixed on Silvia and smiled a mock-stern smile .
5 To begin with , a very large number of the objects recovered from archaeological sites had a ritual function , and many of the images carved on sealstones and painted on wall plaster and pottery show religious symbols , rituals , or mythic events .
6 For the wild at heart , an entire army of animals captured on film and adapted to become a pair of braces .
7 Increasingly these came to employ London banking houses as agents to honour their bills drawn on London and to cash their notes payable in the City , either investing the realised funds or remitting cash into the country .
8 The NP , which in September 1989 had won the seat with a majority of 2,835 , saw this cut to 547 by a strong challenge from the pro-apartheid Conservative Party ( CP ) , whose campaign played on confusion and fear among white voters at the extent and pace of de Klerk 's reforms .
9 In case of doubt , Justinian ruled that these provisions applied not just to dispositions charged on the heir , but also to trusts charged on legatees and trust beneficiaries .
10 Some 100 armed teenagers , loyal to Muhammad Said Hersi Morgan , sneaked into town mounted on donkeys and drove out their rivals , men loyal to Colonel Omar Jess .
11 That 's almost suggesting the England manager would make a rational decision based on ability and merit !
12 Everybody in the region would have to pay a new tax towards a regional assembly based on Tyneside and dominated by Labour politicians .
13 In promoting consumer products , in competition with each other , the advertisements promote the values of capitalism — the stress laid on wealth and working hard in conventional modes to try and achieve it , competition and the importance of consumer goods as an expression of self and status .
14 At first , from around 1984–85 , policy concentrated on saving and creating jobs within the council 's own workforce .
15 The League also failed to understand the humiliation of the defeat and dismemberment inflicted on Germany and failed spectacularly in its appreciation of the unworkable arrangements made around Danzig .
16 When this happens the rest of the school , who along the way have trained with the successful runner , may have beaten him on occasion , have been course markers , marshals , timekeepers , supporters and team-mates , really feel that sport is n't just another soap opera glimpsed on television or paraded through the back pages of the newspapers — it 's something that they are actively experiencing at first hand for themselves .
17 It was an extraordinary sight to see a seventeenth-century church perched on steel-runners and pulled a few score metres from its original place .
18 Here on the islands , where there was little vegetation , one species fed on seaweed and clung to rocks among the surging waves with unusually long and powerful claws .
19 Last night , Mr McNeilage 's father , Alan , said : ‘ There has been a lot of fighting in the area , and one of the officials of the fund which finances the operation phoned on Wednesday and told my wife about the problems .
20 The final document stressed the relationship between political pluralism and market economies and committed the 35 member nations to " endeavour to achieve " ( i ) free and competitive market economies with prices based on supply and demand ; ( ii ) fiscal and monetary policies which promoted economic growth and enhanced the ability of markets to function efficiently ; ( iii ) policies aimed at expanding the free flow of trade , capital and investment ; and ( iv ) the repatriation of profits in convertible currencies .
21 The Ohio Studies — a two-dimensional approach based on Consideration and Initiating Structure
22 This need not be confined to salaried partners as such , but could be extended to all ; for example , introducing a salary scale based on age and experience comparable with Civil Service pay at its administrative grades with an equal division of surplus profits .
23 Although jewellery is known from burials throughout the Empire , the best evidence for how it was worn comes from Egypt and the Levant in portraits painted on wood and carved in stone .
24 They created a duty of care imposed on builders and owed to foreseeable victims of their negligence .
25 Two cormorants landed on posts and stood black and gaunt .
26 An individual in our culture needs to be weaned and to experience the loss of the breast because we live in societies based on agriculture and requiring an ability to postpone immediate instinctual gratification .
27 All examples show similar characteristics ; they are generally stone vaulted — an unusual feature in so early a period and rare in southern Europe — the majority have cupolas supported on squinches and/or intersecting barrel vaults ; the stonework is solid but crude ; ornament generally includes interlacing in bands of carving on stone borders and the patterns are made up from circles , diamonds or zig-zags — the interlacing is like a prototype of the later Romanesque basket work patterns .
28 However , Trazior also formed part of a mega-complex of hives densely crowding a poisoned terrain , interlinked by transport tubes supported on pylons or suspended from cables .
29 On the morning of Dobson 's funeral a bellhop knocked on 3D and handed Jed a big square box .
30 She had picked the word up from an English film shown on television and thought it charming .
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