Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] and [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Her foot caught and she wrenched it free of its shoe , clinging to fitzAlan 's hand all the while as he half led , half pulled her upwards .
2 Our friendship developed and she invited me to write a Fount book .
3 April 1992 saw the car completed and it passed its MOT with flying colours .
4 Then his weight lifted and she opened her dazed eyes , confused , as he moved away to sit at the edge of the bed .
5 The nipples stiffened and she squeezed her breasts through the silk , her breathing growing heavier as she kneaded the sensitive buds with her fingers , her excitement growing rapidly .
6 Lisabeth 's eyes clouded and I knew I 'd done enough .
7 Sometimes her lips moved and she muttered something in a low tone .
8 Their eyes met and she dropped her head guiltily before managing to say , ‘ Do n't worry , Peter .
9 I 'd been looking down all the time we were talking , but he made me look up then , and our eyes met and I know something passed between us .
10 Her shoulders slumped and she covered her face with her hands .
11 Her mouth thinned and she hardened her heart to him .
12 Her eyes closed and she turned her head to one side .
13 That er Tess bought and they did it all up .
14 His eyes opened and he gave me a weak smile .
15 Roman 's eyes narrowed and she knew he was as aware of the electricity running between them as she was .
16 Another string of curses followed and she heard him moving about .
17 His mouth tightened and he released her with a shove , raking a hand through his black hair .
18 The light dimmed and we bumped something hard .
19 Well she smokes Lambert and Butlers and as I say she had one fag left and she said I have to keep that for Norm .
20 Her swollen lips burned and she knew she must look a mess .
21 The background noises stopped and she knew he had put his hand over the mouthpiece .
22 The scene shifted and I found myself at the head of a stairwell , aware that yet another place might be reached but only by somersaulting over the banister and walking my feet down the opposite wall as one might descend a defile in a crag .
23 For an instant she thought of running , but knew it was n't even an option as his grip tightened and he drew her , struggling towards him .
24 The engine fired and she pushed her foot down on the accelerator so that the fierce roar echoed her feelings of pent-up frustration .
25 She had a kind thought and she believed she 'd carried it through , and that 's not uncommon , with someone as sick as she was and in pain a lot of the time .
26 ‘ I am top of the averages of the England bowlers selected and I think I am bowling as well as anyone in the side at the moment .
27 I want a job done and I want it done properly .
28 His body shuddered , and then his tolerance disintegrated and he wrenched his arms free and wrapped them round her , holding her hard against him .
29 A few days passed and he heard nothing .
30 The sensation sharpened and she gave it more attention .
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