Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] in [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The title is indicative of a movement generally in Canada away from the ‘ social environment towards the more permanent world of archetypal forms and myths , ’ ( as Desmond Pacey reviewed it ) ; but it represented much more the interests uppermost in Leonard 's own mind : the juxtaposing and conflicting ‘ mythologies ’ of his youth in cosmopolitan Montreal .
2 Velcro also in evidence all over training shoes , holdalls and generally where it is least needed .
3 Eventually Behbehanian left Teheran for hiss home in Basel just before Christmas 1978 .
4 A few years later , Ralph Berger discovered the loss of neck muscle tone which accompanied REM sleep.9 These two findings , linking EEC patterns with eye movement and neck and throat muscle activity , have formed the basis of the recording and scoring methods for sleep in humans now in use all over the world .
5 A project now in progress close to Explorers , which hoped to rekindle pride in the old customs , language and traditional knowledge of the native Infierno community , was Ametra 2001 .
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