Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] of the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 As the socialists ceased to be politically irrelevant sects and emerged as worker armies , the violence in the air reflected the contest both of the classes and of the Great Powers , set , it seemed , inexorably on the lunatic road to 1914 .
2 Britain 's Department of Trade and Industry notified European developers nearly 18 months ago of the problems that their system might cause for people who wear hearing aids .
3 The protection of that model , and the benefits of legal charisma to individual clients , is the justifica-tion for the claims to power and privilege — power to determine the conditions of practice independently of the state and privilege in state protection for the monopolistic economic basis of that practice .
4 '' ’ The association here of the player and the rogue is significant .
5 At the holding point we selected flap fifteen , exercised the airbrakes out and back again ( they take a second or two to run each way ) , zeroed the tail trim , turned on the heaters for the twin pitot heads ahead of the windscreen and checked the cockpit for red lights , any of which means no-go .
6 Unfortunately the conscientious student who reads the official reports will find no mention either of the Hotspur or of the Félicité and may naturally experience doubts as to whether there ever was a Captain Hornblower , but if he once accepts Hornblower 's existence he may at least agree that Hornblower 's action in this case displayed remarkable self-denial as well as the clarity of vision worthy of a hero of fiction .
7 There is no mention anywhere of the fact that these were brothers and sisters , nor that they were born in Frome ; that has been for us to establish later .
8 The truth of this assertion is proved by actual legislation , by the existence among some classes of a certain distrust both of the law and the judges , and by a marked tendency towards the use of lawless methods for the attainment of social or political ends .
9 Roberto played beautifully in the third round and we progressed to two strokes ahead of the field after he shot a 67 .
10 But the blame for its weakness can not be laid directly at the feet either of the takeover or of debt .
11 The child receives no interest from the parent and so starts to behave in a way to gain more attention regardless of the fact that it is negative and unpleasant .
12 Later it would become apparent that the decentralization of jobs was , in fact , following the drift outwards of the population and labour force .
13 Yet in American culture , we tend to make folk heroes only of the inventors and entrepreneurs .
14 Over the past 20 years much of the research and development in bicycle technology has been done in Japan , notably by Shimano .
15 The collections are dominated by seeds probably of the mustard and caper families , Zizyphus stones , grass grains , and seeds of leguminous plants ; the unidentified material consists of many examples of a few types .
16 The new pop stars — self-conscious frauds , tackily glamorous like Boy George — fed a revival of old-fashioned pop gossip , a staple now of the Sun and the Mirror .
17 They smeared grease or paint to prevent the MLs ' bridge windows glinting and on Campbeltown the commandos mounted their two 3-inch ( 76mm ) mortars forward of the gun and the last rehearsal was held .
18 The margin of error is plus or minus 1pc. — A Daily Express Harris poll puts Labour ( 38pc ) one point ahead of the Tories and a poll of Tory-held marginal seats by ICM for Today newspaper showed an 8.5pc swing to Labour since the 1987 election .
19 It also makes it possible to watch the towplane instead of the ground and , as on a landing , looking well ahead reduces the tendency to over-control .
20 This decision might have been regarded as one asserting the value of individual choice , but the Court put it on a rather different basis , saying that ‘ the implementation of the rights conferred on the employees by the Directive could not be dependent on the consent either of the transferor or of the transferee or of the employees themselves , wit
21 The court did , however , renew the validity of the writ for a period of four months , notwithstanding the expiry both of the writ and the limitation period , to allow alternative means of service to be used .
22 In preparing for war in 1337 it was essential for Edward to gain the support both of the nobility and of the wider political community .
23 Although there was some division of Conservative opinion , it appeared that a majority both of the Cabinet and of the backbenchers favoured either the acceptance of the bill or a Government measure doing roughly the same job in its place .
24 Clearly there were also domestic factors involved , primarily concerning Castro 's needs to consolidate the power base both of the revolution and of himself personally .
25 The temptation which most club golfers seem to face is to take out a wedge regardless of the fact that the shot might be easier using a different club .
26 The Minister 's choice was based upon an examination of the Registers of Exchequer , by which it appeared ‘ that the owners of much of the greater part of the property in the district interest themselves for Mr. Lapslie ’ , who accordingly obtained the presentation regardless of the fact that two of Lapslie 's supporters were not members of the Church of Scotland .
27 People started coming into the dining room and sitting at the tables regardless of the fact that we were still in the station .
28 If I wanted to , I could change my name regardless of the fact that I had not committed any crime .
29 The essentials , from a recording point of view , were and are a tested ( or holograph or adopted as holograph ) deed , the designation therein of the parties and a description or reference description of the relevant lands .
30 Since it opened in May , however , criticism both of the space and its contents , have been rife .
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