Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] he be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Jones had been banished in March of that year for kicking Everton 's Peter Reid in the face as he lay on the ground and 11 months later he was again dismissed at Goodison Park , this time after a head-to-head with Kevin Ratcliffe .
2 poor Derek , I mean I do n't know whether Derek 's away , did n't bother to come up on , if if he did n't bother to come Friday well he 's still laying on the bench , but if it 's Jack you see , the other day she well give did you ask him , I said no I do n't mention it till Friday to him and then when I get the next one I 'll say well is it this week 's or last week 's ?
3 Its ma rule of thumb that if a wean 's auld enough tae ask fur titty then he 's too auld tae get but then —
4 Given Duchamp 's long residence in America , and his contacts with and influence on American art , I can see why he might be included , although most of the time he was a presence on the scene here he was n't working publicly .
5 He 's having a look to see how much work he 's got in the office today and if he has n't got enough to worry about going to work tomorrow he 's just going to go fishing tomorrow .
6 Four days later he was also dropped from the ruling Military Committee for National Salvation ( CMSN ) .
7 Two years later he was again dismissing a third of his hands in a mid-winter lay-off .
8 In December 1675 he was appointed one of the commissioners of the customs : two years later he was also made a commissioner to enquire into abuses in the mint .
9 Three years later he was still exercising the same power .
10 But two years ago he was finally discharged , to be treated as an out patient .
11 When he came in for the night some hours later he was still agitated and fretting .
12 Two minutes later he 's back carrying the bag .
13 Maybe he 's annoyed because he ca n't quite figure what all this has to do with what the programme describes as ‘ the cyberspace experience ’ , maybe it 's because a minute ago he was nearly run over by a 30-foot-high mutoid metal minotaur , but he looks about ready to chin someone .
14 But I had a funny feeling possibly he 's not wanting to do it anyway .
15 About a month ago he was severely beaten up by a gang of white boys on the way back from school .
16 Er and of course I seen the present managers are , are th the one you know only just lives down the road here he 's recently retired .
17 Twenty-four hours earlier he was seriously injured in a fall on Ben Nevis .
18 If the judge has a pecuniary interest in the outcome of a case then he is absolutely barred from hearing it .
19 It must have , er have n't got all that worse then , here 's Tufnell comes up again , slightly faster than the other one , hits him on the pad or bit of that pad maybe , Robin Smith 's very close in there and once or twice he 's dived , he 's never quite sure whether off the pad or off bat and pad , everybody shouts at him poor chap , anyhow , catch it , a hundred and eighteen for three end of that one from Tufnell so he 's now bowled fifteen overs , two for seventeen that one was yet another maiden .
20 More than a year later he was still complaining about the ‘ cold dark dining room ( which the sun never shines into ) ’ .
21 Before the regional elections a year ago he was constantly predicting that his party would win 15-20 per cent of the vote .
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