Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [vb base] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Studies of the impact of the government budget necessarily presuppose what would have been the case in the absence of such a budget .
2 He kept their backsides so warm you could have fried eggs and bacon on them !
3 I buy a cup of tea so thin it could have been made by Rachel 's landlady , and I stare out through a steamed-up café window across the cold empty promenade .
4 The police say some drivers still think they can get away with it .
5 Ian Woosnam came to Augusta National playing , in his own words , like a 24-handicapper , though those of us in that category just wish we could spray the ball similarly around the practice ground or putt it so waywardly .
6 Conservatives thus hold what must appear , to those who do not hold to a conservative position , to be a distorted conception of what he was about .
7 The parents now say they 'll appeal to the Secretary of State .
8 American car companies now reckon they will use about half the number of suppliers they once did .
9 Why does the Lord Chancellor now think he can cut the free limit by over 25% ?
10 The holiday is extendible to suit your requirements , and to increase your flexibility even further you may return from a different airport in Switzerland .
11 In the mid-year we began the preparation for offering a specialist service to food premises , and with the groundwork now complete we can look forward to exciting prospects there next year .
12 After lengthy consideration Philip and Lesley Casson now believe they can achieve the sales and labour cost targets contained in Tricon 's projections , outlined last week .
13 Observers however believe it will ship its first product before the end of the year after a lengthy alpha and beta test cycle .
14 Observers however believe it will ship its first product before the end of the year after a lengthy alpha and beta cycle .
15 Britain will stump up 14 per cent , France and West Germany both say they will pay 22 per cent .
16 We disembark , walking down the rusting ramp over white cockleshell sand and water so clear it could have come from a tap .
17 experts now believe you must think in terms of how much you need to produce .
18 People now think they can make it and are giving that little bit extra necessary … the girls as well as the boys . ’
19 But I find myself coming down against its styling ( subjective , I know ) and awkward control layout ( still somewhat subjective , but two people here reckon they would trap their little fingers between the switch and volume control ) .
20 Most people naively imagine they will stop immediately when they jam on the brakes .
21 People actually say they can remember the bits I mention in the songs and usually it 's completely not the case .
22 Even got myself a nice little vacation landward of Seattlefish on Earth — hills , rivers , air you could breathe , that sort of stuff , and the sky so clear you 'd figure you could see forever .
23 There may follow a lack of communication and understanding between the computer professionals , the legal advisers , the ultimate users and the supplier of the software resulting in the purchase of a system which is cumbersome , does not provide all the information the users now realize they would have liked and which runs far too slowly to be of any practical use .
24 Union leaders there say they 'll challenge the procedure by taking legal action .
25 A few years ago if you had a machine with a 40Mb hard drive you would have described it as a high specification machine .
26 If this comes in a school assembly where there are many agnostics or atheists possibly present it can provoke the reaction , " How dare they try to make us Christian " .
27 Until 1970 the foresters here say they could rely on a good sale of fir trimmings — used in Christmas decorations — to pay for the routine management of the rest of the forest .
28 No doubt if their theses eventually appear they will contradict my oversimplified ideas on the matter , but this seems to me an ideal place to demonstrate " event stratigraphy " .
29 His country still insist he must turn out in an African Nations Cup qualifier against South Africa rather than the televised curtain-raiser at the City ground .
30 Mr Enright asked : ‘ If a principal duty of government is the prevention of crime , has n't this government failed spectacularly and should n't the Prime Minister immediately announce he will set up a Royal Commission to make urgent proposals to prevent this ?
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