Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [vb pp] in the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Partly because those who served in garrisons had to be ready to serve in the field when required ( for a castle acted as a base where soldiers could remain when not in the field , and from which they could control the countryside around by mounted raids within a radius of , say , a dozen miles ) , partly because of an increasing difficulty in securing active support from the nobility and gentry for the war in France , English armies at the end of the war sometimes included a greater ratio of archers to men-at-arms than ever before , sometimes 7:1 or even 10:1 , rather than the more usual 3:1 under Henry V and the parity of archers to men-at-arms normally found in the second half of the fourteenth century .
2 Visit Porto Atheni , and climb to a lively taverna in an otherwise timeless village still lost in the last century , rich in smugglers tales and old men sipping ouzo .
3 WORLD No 1 Dennis Priestley reached the last 64 of the British Open darts last night but former world champions Bob Anderson and Keith Deller both lost in the third round .
4 This room is inhabited by Bardul , a hunchback Dwarf , who is a pivotal NPC fully described in the next chapter ( pp 70–72 ) and in the Profiles section .
5 After Plataea an alliance of cities was formed under Athenian leadership , the Delian League , vowed to free the eastern Greeks from Persia ( an aim largely achieved in the next quarter century , though not for long ) .
6 One Scottish Cup semi-final was played on Sunday and the greater experience of Les Steel ( Barnet Shenkin , Victor Goldberg and John Matheson ) told against Liz McGowan ( Ken Baxter , Malcolm Cuthbertson and Andrew McIntosh ) in a match which was close for 24 boards then decided in the third set of 12 boards .
7 EDITOR 'S FOOTNOTE : You obviously did n't see our exclusive interviews with ex-Boro players Gary Pallister and Tony Mowbray , the letter to Lennie and our coverage of Boro 's FA Cup exploits all published in the last fortnight .
8 The extent of literacy gradually increased in the first half of the twentieth century .
9 SO HOW DID YOU GET ON SPOTting the errors in the picture Guinness Today published in the last issue as part of the new PRoPS initiative at Park Royal ?
10 The Thai , who captured the World Matchplay title in December , stayed alive with decisive breaks of 38 and 36 in frame 13 but Hendry then prevailed in the 14th .
11 Or was the metal never applied in the first place ?
12 ‘ Because of the present state of the economy and also because of the seasonal nature of the main businesses , with the large majority of profits usually earned in the second half , it is too early to form a clear view of the outcome for the year , ’ the group added .
13 ) . The agent 's intention was not explicitly mentioned in the story , nor was there any attempt to depict it ( e.g. , by making the agent look excessively pleased in the second picture ) .
14 It comprised 118 pictures , with paintings by Claude , Poussin , Veronese , Van Dyck , Rubens , Salvator Rosa , Nicolaes Berchem , and a group of ten pictures by Adriaen van der Werff , a contemporary Dutch classicist painter much admired in the eighteenth century .
15 On the other hand , when television coverage of unemployment almost ceased in the third week , public demand for political debate on the issue also dropped slightly , from 66 per cent to 56 per cent , and it remained at this new lower level thereafter .
16 This branch was controlled by incorporated companies based in London — a dominance still marked in the first decade of the nineteenth century when City-based firms were responsible for 90 per cent of sums insured .
17 The earliest recorded mention of Aksum is in the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea probably written in the second century AD .
18 There is a theatre , baths , the impressive library and an odeon mainly erected in the second century A.D. Like Pompeii a number of streets have been uncovered , some marble paved and with remains on each side of shops , houses and public buildings .
19 In the middle , surrounded by a wide moat still full of water , was the Rocca Sanvitale , an imposing brick castle originally built in the fifteenth century by the Sanvitale , one of the most illustrious and ancient families in Italy .
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