Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] it [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Abbe Gerard usually kept it well hidden . ’
2 The third is the possibility , suggested also by Katib Celebi 's account of the office and supported to some degree by several contemporary documents , that there may have been a separate official muftilik of Edirne during the period : unfortunately , so shadowy is the evidence for its existence that as matters now stand it merely adds to the confusion , though could the facts about it be discovered , they might go some way toward resolving some of the problems in this vexed period .
3 He 'd put it between slabs of bread then take it away to eat in the streets .
4 First , it was the gradual transformation of woodlands and grasslands into farmland , and then years later building it up to accommodate the ever-growing influx of people .
5 The CNAA has also found itself drawn into the dispute between Huddersfield Polytechnic and its local authority , Kirklees Metropolitan Council , where , in 1980 , it felt itself obliged to write to both parties : to the council stressing the need to provide more funds and to the polytechnic strongly advising it temporarily to drop its intention of introducing new courses .
6 In actual fact the er farmer put the planning application in to hold this market every week really refused it outright saying it 's a very sensitive area of Green belt and we did n't want two hundred er stalls there every Sunday on the car park coming out of the road and everything else .
7 As Meera is growing out her fringe , Caroline simply gave it more shape to tidy it up .
8 After three years ' work he submitted a draft only to have it irrevocably vetoed without any intelligible reasons given or any consideration of amendment .
9 Tony Brough ( the Principal ) and I sat at High Table , but it was very democratic because the students also took it in turns to sit at High Table — and to be invited to the Principal 's office for pre-dinner drinks !
10 With her career , like herself , in better shape than ever , could Cher really give it up to look after kids ?
11 Leavis always laid claim to the subtler view of controversy , but his doctrine was always easily open , as he knew , to cruder interpretations , and the fire-and-brimstone of his prose sometimes made it hard to interpret or understand in any other way .
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