Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] [vb pp] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 All the shopkeepers there have chipped in and hired a promo agency to drum up Christmas trade .
2 Like any group there were , of course , scapegoats and ‘ creeps ’ , and such individuals inevitably got pushed around and blamed for everything .
3 Three no trumps then gets passed out and West 's opening lead is the ten of hearts .
4 October alone has seen more than an inch over the monthly average … and it 's not half way through the month yet .
5 She night even have said more if she could have thought of anything .
6 Genesis meanwhile have netted more than £200 million with mainstream pop songs and sponsorship from major corporations .
7 Well it was a large double-fronted house and it was sand-bagged all round and there were tables and to er , administer , you know , wardens in the unevent of air raids which they used to do and they used to patrol the streets looking for lights to see if pe my nan actually got fined once cos she , she event inadvertently went into a room and put the light on and forgot she 'd left the curtains open and an air raid warden happened to be around she , she got hauled into court and fined five pounds for that , er she er I , I once I was just thinking the other day just telling a friend of mine , they had an actual practice air raid once and in some old buildings in the Burchells and we as kids had to go and lie in there and wait till we 'd got a tag on and what would happen to us a label and they took us to the first aid post in , an ambulance came and picked us up on a stretcher and took us to the first aid post in Road .
8 Women typically get paid less than men because of their concentration in low-paying occupations .
9 ‘ And Bartlemas almost got arrested more than once … ’
10 If the Government 's record of managing the public services has been indifferent , the Tories and the Tories alone have acted bravely and imaginatively to achieve better public services by the only credible means — managing resources through private sector standards and disciplines .
11 The great metal roof-tree which held the house together had bent inwards as though from some giant 's blow , and listening , Rachel could hear tiles still slithering down the slope and crashing into the street forty feet below .
12 Ancient tribes usually get killed off and their lands taken or destroyed . ’
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