Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Wigan and Huddersfield should be officially crowned champions of the First and Third divisions respectively , with Leigh and Sheffield effectively clinching promotion to the First .
2 Researchers rarely conduct research with a finished model of the causal process they want to test in mind .
3 G thereby got hold of the barley , disposed of it and absconded .
4 So Dymo effectively uses FDC as a data collection device , collecting the data locally , validating it , and putting it in an electronic format for automatic transfer to the head office for consolidation .
5 as if to remove any doubt about the prevalence of an American view contrary to the English view , an 1889 United States Supreme Court decision expressly denied enforceability to the ‘ negligence ’ exemption .
6 I do not therefore think either of these cases successfully enables counsel for the yard to avoid the rule in Stilk v. Myrick …
7 Childhood instincts caused the individual to turn , on those occasions when his self-confidence failed him , to animate and inanimate objects to which he ascribed comforting powers similar to those originating in his parents , and these real objects eventually gave way to the imaginary ones that became the first ‘ gods ’ .
8 Similar in appearance are the cathedral corals , ( Sinularia species ) which are often purple in colour , and have fingerlike projections rather thank ridges on the polypary , thus being morphologically halfway between the encrusting leather corals and the bushy , tree-like soft corals , many of which are also species of Sinularia .
9 Knights naturally took precedence as the leading members of the class , and there is no difficulty about demonstrating that they were also the richest despite the existence of a good many whose incomes fell far short of £200 .
10 By and large , the retina only sends messages to the brain when the image on it changes .
11 If the debt is unpaid at maturity the bank will in most cases only seek recourse to the exporter if non-payment is due to a contractual dispute .
12 As an alternative means of adding security , the bill[s] of exchange may be sent with shipping documents — the buyer only obtains title to the goods once the bill[s] have been accepted for payment at a future date [ or , if the bill is payable ‘ at sight ’ , when payment has been made ] .
13 The way in which authorities apparently withheld information about the explosion and fire at the Zaporizha plant in central Ukraine will also generate fresh opposition to the industry seven years after the Chernobyl disaster .
14 Ella Pringle only let Luke into the Old Rectory because he said he was the Rector 's son .
15 Such policies only make sense to the corporate investors and stem from the perceived need to avoid integrating the industry in any but the core capitalist countries .
16 He urged the parliament swiftly to pass legislation including the abolition of trade monopolies , faster privatization ( especially of shops ) , agrarian reform and tighter credit and monetary policies .
17 Species that were numerous around the boat and which were caught for a cursory examination only ’ were released again alive , ‘ the operation ’ , Gould maintained , giving ‘ not the least pain to the bird , the point of the hook merely taking hold in the horny and insensible tip of the beak . ’
18 This enables the data to be searched for patterns so placing theories within the constraints of empirical evidence .
19 The prouder and more articulate seaman had seen his pay and status in continuous decline from 1815 when , at the , end of the Napoleonic wars , " the government , without the least consideration for those who had battled on the ocean in defence of their king and country , disbanded the Fleets and cast adrift some thousands of Seamen suddenly to find employment in the merchant service " .
20 Four weeks of near stasis in voters ' attitudes apparently gave way at the last moment to a near avalanche .
21 The outer walls of the palace are thronged throughout the night by crowds eagerly awaiting news of the outcome .
22 The writer only has memories of a few freights and the diesel hauled York-Bournemouth in 1964 .
23 Surprisingly the recall data appeared to show enhanced recall of information in the arousal condition , both for peripheral and central information , though this contrast only reached significance for the central information .
24 We used to play marbles in the alley-way together , and sail paper boats down the gutter when it rained , and we 'd spent all our hot summers together playing rounders on the field over the railway line and helping with the donkey-rides on the beach .
25 Obviously , each kind of experience necessarily contains elements of the other .
26 IBM Brasil Leasing Arrendamento Mercantil SA duly raised $120m with the issue of a $120m two tranche Eurobond due December 1995 .
27 The defendant accepted as a fact that he was holding the revolver when the fatal shot was discharged , but the case for the defence was that the revolver went off accidentally in the course of a struggle during which the defendant forcibly placed Paulette in the driver 's seat .
28 The turbine eventually gave way to a pair of diesel engines .
29 On the other hand the expert will not have had the benefit of hearing the arguments , and some observers have suggested that expert valuers rarely assess rents from the tenant 's point of view .
30 And Becky duly chose Barbara as an ideal make-over subject , and took a camera crew over to Widnes to do an interview and to re-vamp Barbara 's image .
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