Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] is [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 The formation of the Napier Debating Society has , unfortunately , progressed slowly ; however , with the changeover in Sabbatical Officers of the Napier Students Association it is hoped that the Society will be able to start a recruitment drive in Fresher 's Week of academic year 1993/94 .
2 As a result of this openness it is known that the Secretary of State chose to modify the Mathematics Working Party 's recommendations , particularly in the area of ‘ applied mathematics ’ , that consultation revealed that most of those consulted preferred the stance that the working party had adopted , that the Curriculum Council nevertheless made recommendations which accorded with the Secretary of State 's view and that their recommendations were , not surprisingly , accepted .
3 As with the previous study it is anticipated that the project will generate findings that can be used by various government departments and other public bodies to address issues of policy .
4 In other words it is assumed that the difficulty of the item will be the same for any individual irrespective of his or her previous learning experiences etc .
5 By re-analysing a few examples of French social survey data it is hoped that the British statisticians will become more familiar with French methods and also learn whether British methods would have revealed more or less details , or whether the two types of statistical methods are complementary .
6 In other academic areas it is assumed that the teacher knows more than the student , and is there to convey this knowledge , whether as a corpus or a skill .
7 Since most versions of legal theory are at least partial visions of law it is unsurprising that the criminal law will throw up both confirmations and refutations of most legal theories .
8 In a report from the Department of Highways to the Transportation Committee it is recommended that the statutory procedure be continued in respect of the necessary order to make Muirend Avenue/Viewfield Road a one way system .
9 Are those empirical credentials sufficient , however , to sustain the metaphysical implications it is thought that the laws have ?
10 If a viable product is not produced in a total of three years it is felt that the project should be abandoned since the technology in use will have been superseded and a competitive product is likely to be nearing launch .
11 If a viable product is not produced in a total of three years it is felt that the project should be abandoned since the technology in use will have been superseded and a competitive product is likely to be nearing launch .
12 In the last ten years it is estimated that the NRO has spent more than $50 billion , none of it accountable .
13 Over eighteen years it is estimated that the farm yielded around £50,000 net profit .
14 Food poisoning ( p. 159 ) is increasing ; in fact , in the UK it is agreed that the published figures grossly underestimate the true incidence ( Holmes , 1988 ) .
15 If you choose to have only one copy mounted by entering P or S it is suggested that the other option is chosen for the next run and thereafter P and S are chosen alternately for successive Offline Cycles .
16 In a case where substantial fitting out work is in contemplation it is suggested that the draftsman should give the landlord the right to require the removal of fixtures .
17 As a bare minimum it is suggested that the therapist must talk the client through these techniques at least once before offering the client a tape .
18 ‘ From the case cited [ Morgan v. Palmer , 2 B. & C. 729 ] in the course of the argument it is shown that the principle has been laid down that , where one exacts money from another and it turns out that although acquiesced in for years such exaction is illegal , the money may be recovered as money had and received , since such payment could not be considered as voluntary so as to preclude its recovery .
19 In many quarters it is asserted that the Unionist Press are treated with greater courtesy by the Radicals than by their own side . "
20 I NOTE that in Durham County Council 's publication Charter for the Environment it is stated that the council intends to reduce domestic and industrial waste by preparing a recycling plan for County Durham and encouraging district councils to collect waste for recycling .
21 I NOTE that in Durham County Council 's publication Charter for the Environment it is stated that the council intends to reduce domestic and industrial waste by preparing a recycling plan for County Durham and encouraging district councils to collect waste for recycling .
22 In the context of this paper it is suggested that the following principles are added : dementia sufferers should be maintained in their own homes for as long as possible dementia sufferers should be maintained in their own community for as long as possible the number of moves should be kept to a minimum the independence , dignity and privacy of the sufferer must be respected the dementia sufferers must be involved as far as possible in discussions and decisions regarding their care and any possible move carers or potential carers should be involved in the decision-making process .
23 Treaties void ab initio are stated to be ‘ of no legal effect ’ or ‘ void ’ but without any reference to procedures to give effect to the voidness , while for voidable treaties it is specified that the State affected by the defect may raise the defect to invalidate its consent .
24 But in the wake of the United Airlines debacle it is recognised that the problem is with the financiers , not with Congress .
25 In each case it is submitted that the sentences have to be quashed because there was unreasonable delay in giving the appellant a copy of the committal order , which in each case contained particulars of the facts found as constituting a contempt of court .
26 For the present it is assumed that the N ( No ) option is selected .
27 At present it is intended that the next series of workshops to be organised by SCOTVEC will concentrate on writing HN Units in competence terms , assessment in a criterion referenced system and the appraisal of merit in HN Units .
28 Any repairs or replacements or renewals of furnishings are noted on the cards , and they are constantly referred to by the housekeeping and maintenance departments , whose responsibility it is to see that the room is maintained to the required standard .
29 In addition it is decided that the owners car will be used exclusively for the business .
30 In all cases it is suggested that the parties must consider whether or not to have strict time limits and ensure that their intention is clearly expressed .
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