Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] does not [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Johansson estimates that under such a plan Sweden would gain $40 for every tonne of carbon it does not produce that it would have produced under market forces alone .
2 When Butland measures the ‘ skills and talents ’ of general practice he does not appreciate that they rely on stability and knowledge of the patient .
3 ‘ I must frankly admit the fact , ’ he remarked , ‘ that to the people of Northern Ireland it does not seem that the battle against terrorism is being won fast enough . ’
4 If he wisely orders his men to occupy a certain hill it does not follow that they had reason to occupy that hill even before they were ordered to do so .
5 However as Gorbachev managed to outsmart Reagan at every meeting it does not seem that Gordievsky 's advice was particularly useful and Reagan would probably have got on better without him .
6 I do n't believe that the Secretary of State has need to call it in and indeed Mr Curry has written to the local Member of Parliament saying his mind is still open but on the information he had in October he does not think that these that this application raises issues of more than local importance .
7 For the low risk junctions it does not appear that high risk exemplars actually contain more risk related information than other exemplars of the same junction .
8 Perhaps in one sense it does not matter that he ignored the sometimes vandalistic assaults on the gospel texts by Form-critics and Redaction-critics ; just as it could be seen not to matter that the school of philosophy in which he was reared had been rendered more or less obsolete by the man who — in the year that Lewis was writing The Problem of Pain — had become a professor of philosophy at Cambridge : Ludwig Wittgenstein .
9 While the evidence he cites shows that Y-cells may be capable of sustaining some form of pattern vision it does not show that they are responsible for it in the normal brain .
10 In the former case it does not matter that the victim consented ; in the latter the conduct must be unauthorised .
11 Of course it does not follow that all policies are self-consistent .
12 To date it does not appear that this species has been bred in captivity .
13 Yet though the issue of unemployment exerted considerable impact upon British politics it does not appear that Britain 's political parties came up with much in the way of a meaningful solution to the problem .
14 If a client can not be regarded as a corporate finance client it does not mean that we can not act on his behalf .
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