Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] must be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If this is simply a directional gyro it must be synchronised with the magnetic compass at frequent intervals .
2 If this card is an instruction card it must be obeyed by the person asking the question , the instruction card is then placed at the bottom of the pack , instruction cards are ren randomly mixed with the question cards and can change directions of play , make you give to the player to the left one of your cards etcetera , if a player has more than it does n't say .
3 They fell victims , along with others , to the belief that if a building complied with the existing building regulations and Codes of Practice it must be deemed to be safe .
4 Before a writ is issued in a personal injury action it must be endorsed with a standard form statement that the value of the action exceeds £50,000 ( see Practice Direction ( QBD ) ( Personal Injuries Action : Endorsement of Writ ) ( 1991 ) 21 June [ 1991 ] 1 WLR 642 ) .
5 Under the common law , for a Bill to become law it must be approved by the Lords and Commons and receive the Royal Assent .
6 Although for primary care to be effective in Brazil it must be allied to community development and participation and include non-professional health workers , health professionals have useful roles .
7 ‘ Of course you must be admitted to His Lordship , ’ burbled the majordomo .
8 In learning to create these kinds of grooves you must have a direction with the music , and to develop a direction you must be listening to that kind of music .
9 And look at all the business you must be losing in London while you 're out here running around after Malta 's nobility ! ’
10 Moreover , if the goals of breadth and balance are to be achieved in the classroom they must be pursued at every other level of the system as well .
11 In any surveying practice , labour is the key issue and since it is an expensive commodity it must be used to the highest level of productivity .
12 For example , ( 43 ) is matched by ( 45 ) , not ( 44 ) : ( 43 ) frogs croak ( 44 ) croak frogs ( 45 ) croaking frogs Adjectives in English are also distinguished from verbs by the separate peculiarity ( already implied ) that in assignment they must be accompanied by a form of be which carries tense , and which more importantly helps to mark the relation .
13 With this type , the remainder of the model is usually predominantly black , which means that if you can see lots of colour it must be coming towards you !
14 Housewives definition she must be confined to her home , or that of a recognised medical institution .
15 There is no totally ‘ green ’ energy source and if we want to help the environment we must be sparing with what we use and campaign for renewable energy sources — like wind , wave and solar power — to be invested in and taken more seriously .
16 For example , if objective regimes are to be regarded as creating rights erga omnes they must be incorporated within Articles 34–38 , or the principles with respect to them be regarded as sui generis .
17 Elizabeth and I used with amusement to look at each other 's horoscope in the newspapers , but without credulity : I explained to her that even if one believed in astrology they must be regarded as nonsense , being entirely unscientific and paying no attention to the hour of birth and therefore to the ‘ rising sign ’ .
18 Virtually everyone agrees that if there is to be any military action in Bosnia it must be accompanied by a congressional resolution .
19 In this respect it must be borne in mind under the terms of our Lease , Service Charge can only increase annually to the percentage increase awarded to the National Old Age Pension in the Isle of Man .
20 I I if it can be done in the greenbelt policy it must be done in E two and there can be no argument that it is not too detailed a matter in greenbelt policy but too detailed a matter in E two .
21 Tammuz had the feeling he must be appearing like a predatory beast at that moment , and wished Zambia was there to put the kid at his ease .
22 If a company publishes any of its statutory accounts they must be accompanied by the auditors ' report and if it is required to prepare statutory group accounts it may not publish its ( statutory ) individual accounts unless they are accompanied by its statutory group accounts .
23 More than one filter element can be provided within each filter element , in which case they must be separated with ampersands ( & ) .
24 Because EPS files are stored with an accompanying bitmap they must be transferred in binary format and , owing to the screen problems , may only appear as a grey rectangle on the PC .
25 There is , however , the difference that when heat is the driving component then layers are simply separated by narrow regions with steep gradients , but when salt concentration is the driving component they must be separated by other dynamically active layers — the ones containing salt fingers .
26 Before the expression ‘ public law ’ can be used to deny a subject a right of action in the court of his choice it must be related to a positive prescription of law , by statute or by statutory rule .
27 Because the technique involves work with genes it must be approved by an independent ethical committee .
28 In order to understand the implications of this legislation it must be seen in the context of overall Tory economic policy on employment .
29 In this case it must be countersigned by a doctor , a suitably qualified nurse ( first level nurse trained in general nursing ) or a Christian Science practitioner and must reach the registration officer before noon on the sixth day before polling day .
30 Before barley can be used in a brewery it must be turned into malt .
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