Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] be [vb pp] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When I queried the decision I was told that it had been taken at the very highest level , as a result of information not available to me . ’
2 In the immediate term they 're determined that there should be no vacuum following publication of the results of the government 's stocktaking of the Scottish condition , expected later this month .
3 But Harold was not to be soothed : he demanded retribution , he demanded action , not so much because of the ridicule but because at some stage in the programme it was alleged that he had made advantageous use of privileged or secret material in an improper fashion in relation to a book he was then about to publish .
4 In the future it is hoped that there will be a new type of computer interface which should mimic the conventional pen and paper interface .
5 Earlier in the chapter it was mentioned that there are many ways in which teaching and learning can be incorporated in the normal routine of the ward .
6 As it happens , in the early days of computers it was thought that it would be only a few years before computers would be able to understand natural language .
7 In the first annual report of the medical superintendent it was reported that it had not been necessary to use the padded cell on any occasion , despite the fact that many patients had been admitted handcuffed , leg iron locked or bound with cords and chains .
8 At the end of four months it was discovered that he was only just sixteen .
9 In mid-1974 he developed phlebitis — inflammation of the veins — and within months it was revealed that he had a thrombosis which could have killed him in seconds .
10 If the innovation proved successful in the trial institution it was hoped that it would be adopted permanently .
11 In July it was intended that they should be contained in regulations .
12 Before the war it was estimated that there were 100,000 monks in Burma , supposedly concentrating on religious duties and doing no menial work in their monasteries but relying on daily gifts of food from the faithful .
13 On that basis it was confirmed that he would make the donation .
14 At the moment it is intended that they close only on New Year 's Day , 1 May and Christmas Day , although this may be altered to include also two Mondays a month .
15 On the left it is believed that it will encourage political participation , and on the right it is believed that it will get the central state off the backs of individuals and allow greater individual choice .
16 If a man was lucky enough to get a job it was expected that he would use his position to find jobs for others in his family or village .
17 As the days passed , hope faded of finding John Brown alive and after 14 days it was agreed that there was no urgency as the search was only to find his body for Christian burial .
18 Despite these serious reservations it was recognized that there was some good academic work being done .
19 But as the Portadown man was about to leave the jail he was told that his mother had died and ordered back to his cell .
20 In the jargon it is said that they can not even get on the Masters and Johnson ‘ ski-slope ’ , let alone start down it .
21 NOTE : In this article it is assumed that your machine has a hard disk called C : and MS-DOS is stored in a directory C : \DOS .
22 Although the French waterlily hybridiser Joseph Latour Marliac concentrated on producing hardy varieties it is believed that he used the semi tropical waterlily N. mexicana to create some of the popular varieties available today .
23 With the increasing sophistication and scale of warehouse buildings it is suggested that they should be looked at in depth at the earliest planning stage when they are able to exert their proper influence on construction and design .
24 One very small point of procedure is worth noting : at a first glance at this example there appears to be a redundancy of the indication pp , but on closer examination it is seen that it has never been used unnecessarily , for where it appears on the same line of the score in two successive bars the first of the pair of instruments whose parts are written on that line enters alone , and the second joins him in the next bar .
25 Er a similar cautious approach which none of them took yesterday when on examination it was found that there was more potential there than before , erm so to help with the figures I have found very helpful erm appendix eight to the er York City Council erm statement , I think it appears in both of their statements appendix eight Greater York housing provision sorry , could could I also direct you at the same time to the County Council 's N Y five appendix three now the , the two make interesting comparisons because they both start of with the same H one proposal of nine thousand seven hundred dwellings , and I 'll remind you there , sir , that only five thousand seven hundred of those are required by the existing population , four thousand of those are for migrants , and the two schedules go of in slightly different directions under the heading of completions , and the reason for that , sir , is that the the Greater York , the er County Council 's figures , as you can see were computed in October nineteen ninety two when only seven hundred dwellings had been completed , yet six months later , under item C for the Greater York er housing provision figure , York Ci York City Council figures , the completions were one thousand and sixty three .
26 At this meeting it was decided by the Committee to approve the Constitution of the European Federation of Funeral Services on behalf of the N.A.F.D. As we hold the Presidency of E.F.E.S. it was decided that we would not vote in favour of any one particular city for the location of the registered office for E.F.F.S. , but would endorse the decision of the majority over this matter .
27 Furthermore , of the apostles it is said that they are to go out and bear witness to Jesus .
28 Having carefully considered all the alternatives it was decided that our staff would be invited to apply for one secondment to explore the area of school industry links , with an emphasis on the development of a partnership .
29 Birds respond to a wide range of sounds but for many years it was assumed that their low-frequency hearing was poorer than ours .
30 For many years it was supposed that nothing should be revealed about the bargainer 's intentions .
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