Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] have [verb] from [num] " in BNC.

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1 You might be able to do the odd one but I do n't think that you 've got the time , I mean bear in mind you 've gone from four to three to two there 's two of you now supervising all of us if you tell me you 've got spare time then great , and you want to do one or two equally great , however unless you tell me to the contrary
2 But as It celebrated a year of publication it had grown from twelve to twenty pages , with the ‘ What 's Happening ’ section now , significantly , filling two tightly set pages at the back , and the Arts Lab offering a ‘ Black Power Week ’ complete with Stokeley Carmichael — bundled out of the country post Dialectics of Liberation — on film , and ‘ Michael Abdul Malik and guests ’ .
3 Tailors in 1814 were very much on a level in terms of real wages with 1795 , but in the intervening years had been significantly down on that level in eight years , and very seriously below it in 1800 and 1801 when their weekly wage would buy only half the quantity of bread it had purchased from 1777 to 1795 .
4 Perhaps one of the reasons she had gone from one man to another was that she could not bear to lose the excitement and flattery of the early stages of love .
5 But the guts he has shown in resisting government plans for the body he has chaired from 1983 are far from academic .
6 As the mature version of deep slow wave sleep develops in the first year of life , and daytime sleeping is displaced by wakefulness , the number of hours spent in active ( REM ) sleep is eroded until by the age of three years it has dropped from twelve hours to three or four .
7 ‘ It comes down to applying a judgement based on the background knowledge we 've acquired from 30 years of monitoring and reporting human rights ’ .
8 Here is just one of the memories we have received from one of his students .
9 Harry had lost the high , blooming colour he had got from two hours of strenuous play with blunted swords , and was pale now with a bright , wary , aggressive pallor .
10 Throughout his career he has lurched from one extreme to another , noisy then quiet , a prolific goal scorer then a famine victim , a superstar then a substitute .
11 It is a picture indelibly imprinted , Ward 's voice painting it in quiet words , neither excited nor repelled by the horror of it , but simply repeating information he had obtained from one of the books he had borrowed from his Glasgow library as soon as he knew the route he would be taking to Punta Arenas and the Antarctic .
12 The demonstrators held banners demanding both the secession of Georgia from the Soviet Union and the full integration of the Abkhazian republic , which had itself been seeking to secede from Georgia and to resume the union republican status it had enjoyed from 1921 until 1931 .
13 She raised the oddly shaped blaster she had taken from one of the Chelonians and fired .
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