Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] [vb past] been in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If they 'd caught her , they 'd have stuck her in Imbrium or somewhere , some institution She 'd been in places like that before That was like death to her There must have been a lot of them caught like that , at the end ,
2 Whilst in Russia he had been in contact with representatives of the Russian Bible Society , and through them had learned of the monitorial system of schoolteaching pioneered by Lancaster and Bell in Britain .
3 Of course she had been in love , for years and years , and perhaps , she sometimes wondered , that experience had spoiled her .
4 Business had been good in the few weeks she had been in charge , but she was astute enough to realise that many of the customers had been coming to the club simply to see her .
5 In all the desperate , toiling years she had been in Canada , neither her husband nor her son had ever made themselves a meal , except on one or two occasions when illness had confined her to bed .
6 There had obviously been something wrong with the Cashman ménage for some time — why else would Cindy Hill have lied about her whereabouts , telling her husband she had been in Wales when she had really been in a London nightclub ?
7 Over the few weeks he had been in Mandru 's house , Lucien had acknowledged Jeopardy 's beauty and talent , but had also despised him .
8 For the last two years he had been in practice in Northampton , and he did not at that stage wish to endanger his prospects there by letting his application to Bedford be generally known ; if Whitbread gave his support however , Thackeray would ‘ make his pretensions public ’ .
9 Chief Superintendent McLean says that last summer the resources he allocated to the protection of the Ks were greater than those given to anything , other than really serious crimes such as murder , in the two years he had been in charge of Hounslow division .
10 In the 23 hours we had been in transit on a scheduled 32-hour flight from London Heathrow , we had become fairly observant .
11 For a while she had been in paradise ; now it was over .
12 It transpired that the previous day he had been in Liverpool and given an interview to the Daily Telegraph which had been interpreted to mean that we were about to call in the troops .
13 Just before this meeting MacArthur told Gascoigne he had been in contact with Senator Robert A. Taft and , in a five-page letter , had urged on Taft the importance of concluding a peace treaty speedily .
14 In earlier life he had been in Canada and it is certain that at least some youthful potential emigrants to Canada were inspired by his accounts of life there .
15 One instant he had been in mid-spring , forelegs extended and jaws agape , aiming himself at the crouching man-thing before them , the next , the target had moved with blurring speed , rising swiftly to meet him head-on .
16 Father Donnelly was also there , looking plumper these days , but still the same cheerful personality he had been in Brooklyn .
17 It was difficult — you know , first time I 'd been in charge .
18 For part if the time they had been in support of another Engineer regiment for joint river crossing operations , and on one occasion had carried infantrymen over a one-kilometre-wide stretch of the Weser , using their rigs as landing craft .
19 As far as Comfort knew , they had returned to the States for the duration , although in fact they had been in London for part of the time , working for the Free French , and back in France for most of the rest .
20 The last time he had been in Athens , when the group that called themselves ‘ November 17th ’ had hit the Procter & Gamble offices with an anti-tank rocket , he had not been admitted to the presence of this big man .
21 We had been told at the time he had been in trouble before .
22 At this stage he had been in contention behind McCallen and Dunlop and even after his restart he still clawed his way back into the leading group .
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