Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] [vb past] were [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm a fool , she thought tearfully , knowing the very last vestiges of the shaky companionship they shared were gone for good .
2 As the kettle began to boil , she realised that the mugs she needed were stowed beneath the sink .
3 Away from the roads , most areas we visited were populated by Indians : Cofan , Secoya and Siona in the north , Quichua and Huaorani ( Auca ) in the central part of the region , and the Shuar in the south .
4 Some of the antibodies we used were studied at the international workshop on blood group antibodies at Paris , 1987 .
5 Over at East New Houses in Baldersdale the youngsters they hired were regarded as family .
6 She had just begun to settle into her neat flat , and although it was n't furnished expensively the few pieces she had were chosen with loving care .
7 Some of the individuals they trapped were found to be wearing rings already .
8 ‘ A lot of the things I did were done for shock value .
9 ‘ We were doing certain things we felt were recommended by the Institute and they did n't understand that . ’
10 I have suggested that they were limited in their appeal because the changes they opposed were confined to doctrinal issues .
11 Indeed , in the 1970s , the theoretical influence of Jean Ricardou , who was aligned to both movements , extended even to the actual fiction produced by Robbe-Grillet and Claude Simon at that stage , and several of the concepts he formulated were regurgitated in critical interventions by these writers .
12 The institutions and arrangements they built were driven by an idea of multilateralism .
13 Bowls of the clear chicken soup they loved were put on the table .
14 The earthenwares it produced were marked in several ways .
15 But if his reputation as one of the great Kings of French history is anything to go by , then the means he used were justified by the end , the destruction of the Angevin Empire .
16 Not all the rooms he discovered were filled with strange objects .
17 Accordingly , the ideologies they adopted were divorced from reality .
18 You know sure there were committees to manage either financial affairs , or various other bits and pieces that went on , but even then decisions they took were taken to the lodge to be voted on .
19 Pancho has witnessed players he believed were thwarted in achieving their apogee on the tennis court .
20 The teeth it exposed were greened with mould , and sharpened .
21 Teachers with interests in , and commitments to , humanities , English and creative and expressive arts felt ill-at-ease with teaching science and mathematics , not just because of their lack of confidence with the subject ( though this was important ) , but also because of their discomfort with the very different pedagogies , very different ways of relating to children they felt were associated with those other subjects .
22 Nevertheless , it was his firm conviction that the Masai needed ‘ all the administrative control we can give them ’ , and the many waterworks he constructed were designed in part to curtail their wanderings .
23 What was happening to my body — not only the changes brought about by puberty , but the fact that the clothes it wore and the food it consumed were chosen for it by someone else — was a metaphor for what was happening to me as a whole person .
24 Ricardou was particularly guilty of attempting to establish an officially sanctioned list of approved modernist precursors : the criteria he used were based on a simplistic and over-schematic distinction between writers who accepted a mimetic function and those for whom the materiality of language could be shown to be paramount .
25 Meantime according to IDC Europa figures , DEC took a 15% — £52.5m — share of the £350m UK workstation market last year , although more than 50% of those workstations it shipped were configured with VMS or OpenVMS , and few if any Alpha-based models would have been included in this total .
26 Yes , there have been some very vigorous objections made by local residents , and that is particularly why the application that preceded this one was refused planning permission because er the objections they made were considered to be well founded by the Planning Committee and supported many of their views .
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