Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] [vb past] [prep] [det] other " in BNC.

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1 They were the last words they spoke to each other .
2 So instead of ringing each other up on the telephone we spoke to each other over the C.B. as you do n't have to pay each time you speak as when you speak on a C.B. your words travel with Radio waves and when you speak on a telephone your words travel down wires .
3 For a second they glared at each other .
4 For a moment they stared at each other — and , though the anger and hostility in the room were almost visible , the memory of that long-ago day hung in the air between them .
5 For a moment they stared at each other , while the klaxon remorselessly threw out a yard and a half of raucousness every two seconds .
6 He turned to look at her again , and for a long moment they stared at each other , irreconcilable strangers either side of a barrier ; and yet Sara had the odd feeling that some part of her longed to understand Matthew Preston , to agree with him , to acquiesce in his decisions .
7 For a long moment they stared at each other and it was as if the body language they had shared in the pool had ceased to be a game and the strained politeness of the last week had never been .
8 Sophie looked aghast and for a moment they stared at each other .
9 Then for another moment they looked at each other .
10 For a moment they looked at each other square in the eye .
11 For a moment they looked at each other , and then they were in each other 's arms again .
12 For a moment they looked at each other in the penetrating light of early morning .
13 For a moment they struggled with each other 's clothing , tearing at the lacing , freeing themselves , and then he had lifted her on to him and was thrusting deep into her , her legs wrapped about his back , her pelvis pushing down urgently to meet his movements .
14 Mr Burgreen was not able to offer his department 's critics the reform they wanted above all others : improvement of San Diego 's unusually weak system of investigating police shootings .
15 By the early 1940s , the influence of Orson Welles and William Wyler as directors , together with Gregg Toland , the innovative lighting cameraman they shared with each other ( and sometimes with John Ford and Howard Hawks too ) , made deep-focus more fashionable .
16 In business they conferred with each other for a few minutes and then made their offer .
17 Unlike the last occasion they ran into each other , this time Sheehy came off worse and his plane was grounded as a result of the damage .
18 For a while they lay in each other 's arms , the sweet lethargy claiming them , but as Alain 's arms tightened around her and his lips became insistent , Jenna drew back and looked up into his dark eyes .
19 The CVR , besides contributing to the fund of knowledge about the flight , has provided the investigators with an insight into the way the flight crew were thinking and interpreting the indications of the progress of the flight by means of the things they said to each other , and sometimes the things they did not say .
20 The things they said about each other were not much better . ’
21 As a justification for indulging the imperative demands of the flesh it was pathetic , and she knew it , but she did n't think she could go on fighting the passion they awoke in each other .
22 Even that did n't alter the respect they had for each other .
23 ‘ But I began this without any hope whatsoever of winning the one thing I wanted above all others because I thought it was already given , and what I took in compensation merely made me want it more and resent its absence , because I kept loving you more and more .
24 The Marxist book I reviewed with several others in The Criterion for October 1937 .
25 ‘ In the end we looked at each other and said ‘ Let's cancel Christmas ’ . ’
26 SATURDAYS the Jews of Cork spent with their families and their God , Sundays they spent with each other .
27 WHEN Derry and Fran Dunnett visited Inchcolm Abbey one day last summer they remarked to each other how lucky the abbey 's custodians were to live on the island .
28 She met his gaze , and for fully thirty seconds they looked at each other in silence .
29 As viewers of this scene we could also have deduced something about the relationship between John and Mary from the way they were sitting together and the way they looked at each other .
30 The way they talked to each other just went to emphasise this .
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