Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] [vb past] a [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 In exchange I had a view over the wide , flat-bottomed valley , a view that dissolved into the fish-fin ridge on the far side .
2 With a weary sigh she rubbed a hand over her eyes .
3 Back in their room they draped a sheet over the mirror and played love games till they fell asleep in each other 's arms at 1 a.m .
4 She acknowledged this with a raised thumb , but when she showed me the assortment of charts on the bed-table pushed against the wall she gave a thumbs-down over his fluid-intake .
5 Yeah that 's a big and my and that stuck out the bucket like that , well going over the top we had a hood over the top tumbler to stop the flashing , so my father stopped , thinking that was a bit of wood and were gon na break the top of the tumbler , so he stop and out and scrubbed it and found that was this bone and I think if my memory serve me right that 's in the , the Fleet Museum now .
6 In a spasm of irritation he pulled a cloak over his nightshirt , took down a pistol from the wall , and went downstairs into the chilly , stone-smelling darkness of the ground floor , looking for servants .
7 If so — that 's the year of the Cockerel I enclosed a bit over the page about it .
8 With a Raleigh-esque flourish he threw a hanky over the unexploded missile and scraped it up , apologising profusely , before pocketing the prize and slinking off , red-faced and too embarrassed to talk to me for the rest of the evening .
9 I thought at the time she sounded a bit over anxious to explain why she had n't told us before , but it was n't long before I knew why . ’
10 Carter had told the police at the time they had a row over money and his wife had walked out , never to return .
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