Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nina knows about the lymphoma ; I had to cancel a prearranged lunch at Langans with her as it coincided with my short stay in hospital , and rather than make up an excuse I thought it an opportune time to tell her .
2 During his lunch-hour I give him the last orange , a biro and three lollipops , all I can muster , and wish him a happy birthday .
3 In today 's programme he gives us an exclusive interview , the first since his heart attack four months ago .
4 I mean I tried it out at work I show you the this is what they used at work .
5 In response to the unasked question she handed them the last cans .
6 ‘ No wonder they call us the black Irish ! ’
7 We pay every week to get into the game ; this money goes to the manager and team , and in return they owe us a good afternoon 's entertainment .
8 The same story you told me the last time we met , ’ she said with a sneer .
9 Jonathan always thinks that what he says is so fantastic that he 's got to say it twice in case you missed it the first time round .
10 Back at her place she offered him a large whisky and then said that she just had to slip into the bedroom to see to a few things .
11 Although mainly a director of low budget productions , he told me that before the war he concerned it a poor year if he did not earn six thousand pounds , quite a sum for those days .
12 And I was with Deborah he gave me a hard
13 Though engrossed in picking his teeth with a match he gave me a long appraising stare before addressing me in rich cockney .
14 ‘ With his left hand he snatched the gun from the Pole 's hands , and with his right he gave him a violent blow to the ear . ’
15 During the night I visited him every three hours as my vet had told me that if his leg had broken completely it would n't be fair to leave him suffering .
16 Er I felt , I 've been after Danny for nearly twelve months to come see and not been able to get him on the night I want him the only night he was able , was available was I think it was one night when we had something else on I ca n't remember what it was .
17 Yes , all that rhythm , one day you have it the next you do n't , and er Lawrence has certainly got it today , you can tell by just looking at a bowler running in , if he 's easy and relaxed , Lawrence I suppose never really looks relaxed when he 's belting into bowl , but he 's clicked he 's , he 's right at the crease .
18 Oh yeah , I love the , the mixed of border you call it the mixed of border no , yes ?
19 At traffic lights she gave it a wary smile , slid into gear and played Nina Simone 's ‘ I need a Little Sugar in My Bowl ’ .
20 On the second day they gave her a rubber ball attached on a long elastic thread to a wooden bat .
21 They agree that theological discourse does not make sense in the terms of ordinary language , but whereas for one this effectively consigns theology to the dustbin , for the other it gives it the same sort of status as speaking in tongues .
22 After a while he gave her a sidelong glance under his enviable black lashes .
23 One night he brings me a huge bar of Old Jamaica chocolate and watches while I eat the whole lot .
24 Why we was paying the bill actually we paid to Sunday us connect us the following Friday
25 This morning I boiled her a nice fresh egg , and she ate the lot .
26 See the towels she gave me the last time .
27 Morality and religion open the door to oppression but in focusing so sharply on the woman 's role they make her the central symbol of the culture .
28 When you went to the Ideal Home Exhibition they gave you a hot sausage on a stick to eat — with pickle , not just a picture of one to look at .
29 Wisely , Roxburgh wo n't change it , but says : ‘ By including Durrant it gives me an added dimension and an option to our midfield play . ’
30 I paused before replying to her , because if you pause before replying to people it gives them the foolish idea that you 've actually listened to what they 've said , and I said of course darling .
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