Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Oh Mum I told you about that .
2 And I says , it 's an old lake dwelling , and er of course I mentioned it to this chap , just switch it off the now .
3 Right so , David I reminded you about that letter , when are you gon na bring it
4 The difference being , that if it 's a saucepan then obviously a saucepan you lift it with one hand and if it 's full of hot water or something then you 'd have to be careful .
5 Er like when you go out and catch mackerel you use it for fresh bait then .
6 Oh yes you had er the the stooks you had I think ten in a stook You had five five sheaves at each side you put them like that , five you
7 we use the same words we use them in different in the different area accents but i that 's all it is .
8 and the Warner Brothers Bugs Bunny and the popcorn , you go and get your popcorn dish out of thing , show Alex how much popcorn we bought , I mean you go up there and it 's not like it used to be years ago a little bale of popcorn they sell them in huge great big cartons up there
9 ‘ Type L ’ isoleucine in the living organism and ‘ type D ’ isoleucine in the dead organism have almost the same chemical characters , but when they are hit by light they deflect it in different ways .
10 Starting from an implicit acceptance of Roman rule they interpreted it as responsible contemporaries , having regard to the needs and interests of the Greek upper class .
11 Since DOL is hopefully making a comeback this evening for the reserves it leads me to this question .
12 Now then , that new vending machine I told you about last time .
13 After some wandering among nurseless cradles I recognized him by some unsuspected instinct — a pallid moustached old baby .
14 That frigid little scene you treated me to over breakfast ? ’
15 Wherever you travel in England we invite you to some unforgettable places in history .
16 For a long time Roe has harboured a desire to do some commentating so when he had the chance at the European he took it with both hands .
17 Yeah that 's considering it 's January it reminds me of this global warming that 's taking place down on everywhere
18 Into twelfths in this case you change them into twelfths to see how many twelfths it would be .
19 I just thought I 'd tell you that in case you needed it in any of your essays .
20 And erm then of course she told me about this so my mother went to see him .
21 To open the walnuts we placed them on one stone and hammered with another .
22 Denis and I worked on the show each morning and on our final evening we performed it in ninety degree heat for a deeply moved and even more deeply biased audience of mutual families .
23 You know when racing folk talk of the festival they describe it as three days of magic and madness , glory or grief .
24 His hotel room had three beds , and for a few days he shared it with two German boys , students , who had enormous rucksacks and bulky guidebooks , and who were eager for Tim to go round with them .
25 The very first film I made with Roy he took me to one side and he said ’ you 've been working a lot in the theatre and you 're playing to the back row of the the dress circle which is right for the theatre . ’
26 Now in her case we put her on two fifties but that i uses up an awful lot of skin and it 's a real hassle , so er
27 But in her case we allowed it for obvious reasons . ’
28 On another day I provoked him in some way and he slapped my cheek .
29 ‘ It was over the night I accompanied you to that dinner and backed up your story .
30 He must always believe the things she told him about other people , especially those in his father 's family , but Frankie sometimes found her instructions very hard to understand .
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