Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] as [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I joined a party to climb down the great west cliffs to the boulder scree of Carn Mør , where we stayed until darkness fell and listened to the calls of Manx shearwater , Leach 's and storm petrels as they came in from the ocean to feed their young , hidden deep under the boulders .
2 It does not seem to work well with some 16 bit computers as they have quite complex keyboard electronics , and rather indirect means of reading the keys .
3 Ken Mentle , who often made up club rules as he went along , declared that his was the casting vote and promptly blocked the appointment , incredibly naming himself as manager .
4 The two parties walk in opposite directions and exchange car keys as they pass midway or , better still , at a rendezvous at the conspicuous landmark of Lady 's Pillar .
5 Gainsborough 's house … to say nothing of huge grey sweeps of empty beach from which , at Aldeburgh , you can buy goggle-eyed skate direct from the fishing boats as they come out of the water .
6 It took me right to the McDarroch days as he fished out one forceps after another , opened and shut them a few times then tried them on me .
7 At the entrance was a table for a member of the local Assembly executive who checked people 's names and wrote down their identity card numbers as they came in .
8 There were no aircraft or aircrew and the Met girls ' sole job was plotting charts , a new one every hour , and collecting the teleprinter reports as they came in from each of the out-stations in the Group .
9 Sea levels have risen and fallen with the coming and going of the ice ages as they have everywhere else .
10 Remember not to rely too heavily on dairy products as they contain highly saturated fats which could be bad for health if consumed in large quantities .
11 ‘ It 's none of my business , ’ she replied , gripping the solid wood grab-rails as she went down the five steps with their non-slip treads .
12 that it came to make the amazing sounds , okay , and then after that , er , this is another thing it leads to is there 's going to be a break down in your sound machine , okay , there 's gon na be a break down in your , in your entire robotic machine , movement in our machine , and that break down could be due to some of the workers going off and getting some of them erm you know , one , er part of the machine breaking down on the whole , sound changes , the movement changes and we 're going to watch how this robotic machine changes as it breaks down , it could be sound shut down it could be it could be anything you choose , but I want it anyway , leave it to you so all you do is choose a profession , think of something that is , comes to life to you , in movement and in sound , okay , so let's get into groups of , see how many they are , one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight , nine , eighteen , nineteen , twenty , okay let's get into groups of four then , okay is that right , one , two , three , four , one , oh five , four , five , just get your group into a work in , I thank you if you do n't get
13 Despite their importance they are not household names as they do not deal with the general public .
14 now , I mean my girls used to come to me with boy , boy friends as they grew up and then husbands , but they always help , they always
15 We shopped in village stores as we went along , and my diary lists items of food bought rather than consumed .
16 It is probably best to avoid approaching the obvious High Street names as they receive so many requests .
17 Although the Iranian operation was stumbled into almost accidentally , even that policy evolved emotional and patriotic selling points as it went along .
18 She listened for Patrick 's cry but the only noise was from the Kenny children as they squabbled over a piece of bread , and Maggie was sitting on the bed with the baby sucking in vain at her scrawny breast .
19 These days the ‘ Sale ’ signs seem to up permanently in many High Street stores as they try desperately to drum up business .
20 Joshua made a note of Felicity 's brother 's telephone number just in case , and joined the queue of conference goers as it shifted sullenly forward step by step .
21 In tropical oceans , there is also the problem of the teredo worm , one of the lamellibranch family of boring molluscs , whose destructive vigour proved as deadly to submarine cables as it had previously done to ships ' timbers , wharves and sea dykes .
22 I am putting together an album of our preservation activities as we go along and will try to make it available on meeting nights and other public occasions .
23 The proposed survey will track pollution plumes as they spread out from Sellafield and Dounreay , by measuring radioactive isotopes such as caesium-137 , strontium-90 , cobalt-60 and cadmium in both sea water and sediment .
24 Branson was not able to inspire the same sense of esprit de corps among the hastily assembled team of Event journalists as he had always done among the staff at Virgin , and the magazine quickly became rife with internecine dispute and conspiracy theories .
25 CLIPPED tree branches as he swooped in too low ;
26 Take care when doing water changes as they do not like great volumes of freshwater .
27 The light of water showed through the tree trunks as they drew close to the narrow wood along the lake but once on the fringe of the trees they lost all resentment at the sight of the thick floor of bluebells beneath the trees .
28 Although they admit some doubt as to the exact mode of formation , King and Williams suggest that a swash bar is formed at low tide , that this bar is overrun by the tide , which produces a series of similar swash bars as it advances up the beach .
29 There were no lights on in the basement flat and precious little illumination spilling into the enclosed yard from above ; he banged and scraped his hands on table legs and chair legs as he groped around , and he even cracked his head a couple of times .
30 And there 's manhole covers as you come out the bend .
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