Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] have [adv] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Clients ' money rules have also been issued by the ICAEW ( with effect from 1 April 1992 ) for non investment business clients ' money , which is defined as :
2 The criticisms outlined above have not been completely ignored by the planners , since , although the new structure plans still exhibit a keen adherence to key settlement policies ( National Council of Social Service 1979 ; Shaw and Williams 1981 ) , alternative settlement policies have also been considered .
3 In the present case the judge decided that , since the evidence from Stardust Jewellers had admittedly been obtained from the appellants by a trick and after the offences charged had been committed , he had a discretion to exclude the evidence if its admission would prejudice a fair trial .
4 In the past review meetings have sometimes been held in the absence of the elderly client .
5 Stock values had also been inflated by as much as $1m , apparently after Miniscribe officials broke into locked trunks and altered Coopers ' audit paperwork .
6 Home trade and export sales continue to forge ahead and a number of new export products have recently been introduced .
7 The Independent of March 5 reported that three more opposition groups had recently been formed in Mongolia : the New Progressive Association ( whose members were believed to include members of the armed forces ) , the Social Democratic Party and the Mongolian Students Association .
8 Two R A F tornados have already been lost .
9 Many of the funded research projects have thus been tantalizing and frustrating for practising user education librarians in higher education , and there has even been criticism that they were not sufficiently relevant to their day-to-day work .
10 During this period , research funds have also been received from the Department of Employment , the Department of Health and Social Security , the Department of Trade and Industry , the European Economic Community , and several industrial companies .
11 And applications for grants from arts funds had also been made .
12 The idea of closing a mint-new , nearly finished base , for which $138m in completion funds have already been appropriated , looks daft .
13 By the end of January new opposition parties had also been formed in Macedonia , Serbia and Vojvodina .
14 Opposition parties had also been pressing for an early poll , especially in view of the poor performance by ANAP in local elections since 1989 [ see p. 36528 ] .
15 Some motifs and compositions used in Turkoman rugs have already been dealt with in the section on Persian and universal designs .
16 High living standards had encouraged migration to these republics from other parts of the USSR , and this became one of the issues most central to the development of a powerful and widely supported nationalist movement in the late 1980s , particularly since the Baltic nations were relatively few in number and tended to have low birth and high divorce rates ( in Latvia , where golden and silver wedding anniversaries had formerly been celebrated , there were ceremonies in the 1980s for couples that had been together for just a few years ) .
17 The turning point came in July 1973 , when a White House official almost accidentally let it be known that tape recordings had regularly been made of all conversations conducted by the President in the White House .
18 Renault cars have traditionally been known for their comfortable , well-controlled ride quality and their crisp , responsive steering .
19 Some of the search space 's side branches have also been shown .
20 A meeting for College Registrars has already been held ( see Update No. 2 ) .
21 Wine is now produced in many areas of the world and the production of vine fruits has also been spread far and wide .
22 Some of the available search keys have already been considered in Part 11 ; that is , personal and corporate names .
23 Excellent though all this new technology sounds , no-one is pretending that the problems of the public telephone services in Eastern bloc countries have already been solved .
24 This decision has been vindicated by the fact that sales have grown whilst showroom costs have clearly been reduced .
25 Research reviews have also been carried out of existing knowledge about inequalities between men and women and between the ethnic groups in the UK in respect of both health and health care .
26 Characterisation studies have also been applied to early Anglo-Saxon stone artefacts .
27 I say ‘ perhaps ’ because rhesus monkeys have recently been claimed to be able to make cross-modal associations .
28 Transfer of the human ADA gene into haematopoietic stem-cell precursors has been achieved in murine models , and long-term expression of the transplanted human ADA gene in rhesus monkeys has now been demonstrated .
29 It was a ‘ sad indictment ’ that some reporting accountants had evidently been issuing unqualified reports in circumstances subsequently giving rise to claims on the fund .
30 We are well aware that in the United States fears have frequently been expressed that lenders may be evading the Truth in Lending law by making insurance virtually compulsory without actually making it mandatory using such forceful persuasion that borrowers hardly realise they have the option of not getting it .
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