Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [vb base] [conj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The best place to sample the mouth-watering local dishes is a Gaststätte , a cross between a bar and a restaurant Pavement cafés , bars , beer gardens and jazz clubs abound and in the sunny summer months , Munich 's concert season offers a feast of classical music with concerts in the Residence Schleissheim and the Baroque Nymphenburg Palace .
2 Recently , travel industry experts forecast that during the 1990s specialist travel shops will open where customers will be able to buy travel goods and equipment alongside their tickets and package holidays — Cook was always in the forefront of business ideas .
3 The rent review provisions state that in the absence of agreement the review is to be conducted by the third party according to certain assumptions .
4 This was not always successful because of the autonomy neighbourhood police have while on the beat , and he told us , with some regret , that as a final resort he was instructed by the sergeant not to take his book of fixed-penalty tickets with him when he was accompanied by the field-worker .
5 This stand does not make me blind to the distress others feel or to the disillusionment that this issue causes .
6 About 60 per cent of clubbers at Joy on Friday nights stay till towards the end of the night , Stuart says .
7 They tend to advertise in the appropriate specialist hobbies press and through the medium of direct mail .
8 Council records show that during the last 18 months 32 companies and 12 sole traders stopped trading in the town ‘ for one reason or another . ’
9 ( One of the most widely discussed population projections forecast that by the year 2033 , the total population of England and Wales would be no larger than that of the County of London in 1934 . )
10 A number of issues arose that emphasised the difficulties that safety committees encounter because of the absence of trade union representation .
11 Many fish specialists believe that in the Devonian all the bony fishes had lungs ( and that the swim bladder of the recent forms was a modification of the early breathing apparatus ) .
12 Approval by the Inland Revenue also means that there may be limits on the contributions employees pay and on the amount of their benefits .
13 Court fees are prescribed by the Supreme Court Fees Order and the County Court Fees Order except for the requirements relating to deposits payable on the presentation of bankruptcy petitions which are to be found in the Insolvency Fees ( Amendment ) Order 1990 ( 51 1990 No 5 ) .
14 The crosses in the competing behaviour boxes show that during the baseline week he never stayed in his bed until 7am .
15 An old man in the corner sang Where the water lilies grow And on the jukebox , Johnny sang about a thing called love And it 's how 're ya kid and what 's your name and how 'd you bloody know …
16 The trade-off possibilities worsen because to the left of people 's expectations about inflation are falsified with the actual rate exceeding the expected rate .
17 Similarly , estimates based on parish records suggest that in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries on average about 19 per cent of all families with children were lone-parent families ( Snell and Millar , 1987 ) .
18 Whereas choice theories imagine a market full of independent traders , who make isolated purposive exchanges , interests theories recognize that in the twentieth century the division of labour has become much more fragmented .
19 In 1983 the Soviet media cited a New York Times report that in the absence of an agreement with the United States on the bases Greek officials were prepared simply to liquidate them and were ‘ seriously considering taking up a position of neutrality similar , for example , to that adhered to by Sweden ’ .
20 Nonetheless , Mori figures show that between the second half of 1991 and 9 April 1992 , the swing to the Tories was 9 per cent among Sun readers and 6 per cent among Star readers , compared to just 1 per cent among Mirror readers — evidence that the press influenced its readers in 1992 as in 1987 .
21 Indeed , City analysts reckon that in the first six months of 1992 listed companies ' dividends only increased by 2% as companies tried to improve their balance sheets and build up dividend cover .
22 The Marshall Islands are one of several low-lying Pacific nations threatened with inundation as sea levels rise because of the influence of the ‘ greenhouse effect ’ .
23 Notices show on the Register many matters that in unregistered conveyancing would appear in the Land Charges Register or on the title , such as restrictive covenants , a spouse 's interest under the Matrimonial Homes legislation , and a special form of registering a charge over a land certificate ( an equitable charge ) known as a deposit of land certificate .
24 As the public draws notes and coin , banks ' deposit liabilities fall and on the asset side banks ' holdings of notes and coin shrink by an equal amount .
25 It is aimed either at the external hacker of which there are far fewer than press reports suggest or at the employee who though they have legitimate access legitimate lim limited access to a computer , nevertheless go beyond that authorization , but in order for the act to be successful , in order to get a successful prosecution , the prosecution have got to show that the access was unauthorized , and in the absence of clear codes of conduct , clear on-screen messages , that can be quite tricky .
26 An anti-venin is available , however , and the majority of victims survive ; less than 5 per cent of people bitten by black widow spiders die and in the United States only one or two deaths occur each year .
27 Market researchers predict that within the next two years the High Street will have changed beyond all recognition as customers ‘ go shopping ’ from their armchair .
28 These satellites and more recent balloon and rocket flights show that in the first six years of the 1970s the Sun 's radiation had increased by 0.2 per cent .
29 Laboratory tests show that under the conditions in the reaction vessel , a 90% yield is obtained after 2 hours .
30 In a similar way we can mock an accent or dialect , projecting a stereotyped figure more in the manner that stage actors do than in the manner that mere quotation provides …
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