Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [vb pp] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Margaret had one of the first major heart operations carried out in the UK more than 27 years ago in Edinburgh .
2 The oasis lay 150 miles south of Benghazi and the enemy airfields strung out along the Gulf of Sirte .
3 Of the 297 monitoring visits carried out by the ACCA in the year to 30 September 1992 , only 134 firms ( 45% ) were found to be satisfactory ; 139 firms ( 47% ) failed either because they had poorly developed quality controls over audit work or because some of their audit opinions were questionable ; and a further 23 firms ( 8% ) were considered to be ‘ potentially in breach of audit regulations or the ACCA 's professional conduct rules , to such an extent as to warrant immediate action ’ .
4 But it begins with a sizeable group of numbers from The Fairy Queen — two of them , incidentally , countertenor solos written out in the treble clef and a tone below their original key — so Purcell may indeed have started it in 1692 .
5 Excise tax data showed a 4 percent increase in smoking in 1990 , and household surveys carried out by the Health Department confirmed the increase .
6 At Glenegedale there is Driom a mhuillinn — Ridge of the mill and to the north of Port Ellen is Cnoc na Cloiche-muilinn Millstone Hill where there are a number of unfinished mill stones cut out of the rocks .
7 The inter-library comparison of 14 university libraries carried out by the Centre for Interfirm Comparison in 1979/80 showed how staff costs are predominating over the budgets for materials .
8 As part of the five-hundredth anniversary celebrations of the consecration of the Frari church in Venice , the Sovrintendenza ( the state administration of ancient monuments and works of art ) has been taking stock of the restoration projects carried out in the Basilica over the last twenty years .
9 ‘ Three of the World Security guards dragged out of the carnage down near Freiburg were armed .
10 However , despite these encouraging figures , marketing studies carried out in the USA show that most home-gym equipment goes unused and only around 10 per cent of American adults engage in brisk , regular exercise .
11 The troubled DIY group has been in talks with its bankers arranging a refinancing of the £553million loans taken out at the time of the management buy-out .
12 Factories were occupied and a strike was announced for tomorrow unless the security forces pulled out of the town , reports said .
13 Most significant in recent years have been the field experiments carried out by the British ornithologists Nick Davies and Mike Brooke from the University of Cambridge , and the field observations of another British ornithologist , Ian Wyllie .
14 The estimated 35 insurance , shipping and banking businesses forced out of the area were yesterday finding temporary homes in the considerable amount of empty office space in the City .
15 A survey of Central American women 's development programmes carried out by the Mexican government 's " Women 's Documentation Centre " in April 1982 produced from the Ministry of Education the following list of publications on women 's issues available in El Salvador : Vision Magazine ; Today At Home ; TV Guide ; Vanity ; Cosmopolitan ; Good Housekeeping .
16 The work of previously marginalised artists has become an area of rich speculation among art dealers priced out of the ‘ modern masters ’ market .
17 With a shout , several Secte Rouge members dashed out of the lit area , engendering sudden sounds of struggle from outside .
18 Their economy was strong and could gain sufficiently in commercial terms from freer trade measures carried out through the OEEC — without any loss of sovereignty .
19 Before 1982 , less than half the tuna sets carried out by the US fleet were made on dolphins .
20 TWO Britons sent home from the Barcelona Olympics after failing drug tests carried out by the Sports Council will not be disciplined by their international federation , who said yesterday it had no jurisdiction in the case of Andrew Davies and Andrew Saxon .
21 This game is similar to games you would buy for 2–6 year olds that had Zoo animals cut out of the board with little pins on them , The child would try to fit the animal back into the right shape .
22 The long trestle tables were set out in the meadow and garden lights strung out in the trees , and soon the diners began to arrive .
23 Mink breeders welcome the annual Government farm inspections carried out under the Mink ( Keeping ) Order 1987 .
24 The Justices of the Forest were to drive the deer from all disafforested districts into the remaining forests during the forty days after disafforestment : after the expiration of that time places put out of the forest were to be exempt from the operation of the Forest law .
25 While there are no completely accurate figures , the two national disability surveys carried out by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys ( OPCS ) in the late 1960s and 1980s indicate that there are alive today just under 100,000 people aged 50 or older who have been disabled for 20 or more years , and that around another 200,000 will reach this age within the next 10 to 20 years ( Harris , 1971 ; Martin et al . ,
26 Oil- rather than coal — emerges as the dirtiest fuel in a comparative study on the environmental costs of energy sources carried out by the Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment ( CSERGE ) .
27 Laboratory experiments carried out on the subject have proved , almost always , frustrating .
28 The plane bumped to a halt , the engine coughed and died , and two figures in leather flying helmets swung out of the open cockpit and came towards them arm in arm .
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