Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [vb pp] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As these prices fluctuated , for example after the end of the Korean war boom , there was widespread unrest — often in resistance to well-meant price stabilisation funds set up by the colonial power — and out of this unrest arose movements which were to become nationalist parties and national liberation struggles .
2 Football specials lined up at the Pleasure Beach loop on 22 November 1980 , during a cup-tie match between Blackpool and Fleetwood .
3 He was on the airport tarmac waiting for me , his Mercedes sports drawn up to the foot of the mobile steps .
4 The dismissal arrangements set up by the governing body have to provide for the CEO , or representatives , and the headteacher , unless she or he is the person concerned , to be present at all stages when a dismissal is being considered .
5 The Storage Directories map onto the Charge Codes set up by the LIFESPAN Manager ( see Section 2.7 ) — this is where your configurable items are actually stored .
6 The knitting is 120 stitches wide , so the edge needles are at 60 on each side , with the point cams lined up with the edge needles ( Fig 1 ) .
7 Use scraps of soap , liquid soap or soap flakes shaken up in the water to make bubbles .
8 A theorist might suggest that the conspirators are principally , but not exclusively , Jewish : for example , there might be some Gentile Freemasons caught up in the conspiratorial network .
9 The following is a declaration of the rights of television viewers drawn up by the French Association of Television Viewers .
10 ‘ Most of us were standing by the control tower when the Fortress guns opened up to the Northward , and coming through the Flak we saw a series of black dots approaching directly towards us and as they closed we recognised them as yellow-nosed Me109s .
11 The vaulting shafts run up to the full height of the building .
12 We have the personal testimony of the South African Oxfam partner detained and tortured by security forces before being forced into exile ; the telex messages from Oxfam 's Mozambique office saying that South African-backed rebels have just burst into a hospital full of women and children and massacred over 400 ; and the telex that tells the dreary tale of Oxfam emergency relief trucks blown up by the agents of apartheid .
13 Every resident has one member of staff who acts as a personal ‘ key worker ’ , responsible for making sure that the care plans drawn up by the professional staff and the individual residents are implemented .
14 Because of the competition we face from the new union , UNISON , we need application forms geared up to the particular industries that we require .
15 Under the English White Paper , rights of audience rules drawn up by the Law Society in conjunction with an advisory committee will be subject to the ‘ concurrence ’ of four senior judges .
16 Changing this would require a vast input of resources : the best way forward would be to capitalise on all the training opportunities thrown up by the existing system .
17 Four information centres set up by the county council in libraries in towns and villages round Suffolk have been praised for their success .
18 Unless it was pouring with rain he wore no hat or coat , his shirt sleeves rolled up to the elbow and wearing a green baize apron .
19 An identical red position indicator points at flap settings coloured up to the 45 ° setting in white , thereafter up to the maximum 60 ° in red .
20 And I remember four stone steps led up to the front door , and we 'd what they called a parlour then .
21 Mr Bull pointed to a welter of campaigns , urgent actions and prisoner dossiers taken up by the Section .
22 I said to you you got ta get these Christmas presents wrapped up for the party .
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