Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [vb past] [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 The tan Mercedes sports slipped up to the main door .
2 We 've got three hundred watt amps rustled up to the
3 A rumour that he was casting 100 children went round St James 's School in Church Street , so instead of going straight home the girl pupils nipped off to the audition .
4 Indoor bowls : Visit Clacton-on-Sea is the advice being offered to the selectors of county bowls teams in Essex following the indoor club 's latest success over strong opposition.The seasiders moved through to the third round of the London Southern Counties Shield with a 76–67 victory over Essex County , secured largely through the efforts of Ron Marrable 's rink .
5 Pausing only to bury Wounded Mouth , the Nez Perce bands travelled on to the south fork of the Clearwater .
6 A large number of jubilant Boro fans ran on to the pitch to congratulate Pollock , a gesture which is now a criminal offence .
7 The picture side featured some green-and-white palace , all columns and arched windows and with a couple of tourist buses parked off to the side .
8 Furious Saints fans ran on to the pitch in anger just before the final whistle as their team headed for a 2–1 defeat by QPR .
9 The Dili watchers came back to the Company headquarters to find the 2/2 was now linked to Brigadier Veale 's 200 survivors of Sparrow Force with a base at Mape , in the hills ( see map p. 77 ) .
10 She called them girls but many were women whose working days went back to the Utility dresses and khaki battle-dress .
11 Genuine pre-fab log cabins hitched up to the mains .
12 Here and there an effort has been made at renovation , but always in deplorable taste , ‘ Georgian ’ bay windows or Scandinavian-style pine porches clapped on to the Victorian and Edwardian facades .
13 A short flight of stone steps led down to the entrance .
14 At least 12 other women candidates went through to the second round of voting .
15 At the end of the rose garden an iron gate between grey stone pillars gave on to the fields beyond .
16 Camping in tents and cooped up in those magnificent mobile ovens , the crews were understandably as short on fuse as they were long on indestructibility and tantrums were as common as stones through the windscreen , the motley band continued their unsung way across the tropic of Cancer while those celebrated and sponsored Paris-Dakar counterparts roared along to the west .
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