Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [conj] [vb -s] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He is hoping to go back to Poland for postgraduate studies and recommends it as a holiday destination .
2 Turbobat is a very powerful multiple pass batch file compiler that takes DOS batch files and turns them into binary code that can execute up to four times faster than the original .
3 Iron helps in the formation of red blood cells and supplies you with energy , particularly important for women during their monthly cycle when you may often lack energy and feel tired .
4 B then makes some computer chips and sells them to D , a trade supplier .
5 Pat has also asked me to thank those who gave their names to be pen friends and asks you to be patient as she is too ill to distribute them yet .
6 A digital television immediately decodes the incoming sound and picture signals and converts them into an 8-bit digital code .
7 The romantic fantasy is nurtured in our youth with Enid Blyton books and ghost stories and manifests itself in the invention of tunnel myths .
8 Bitflik scans a directory for all BMP files and displays them like a slideshow , one after the other pausing briefly between each one .
9 The written document produced in the process belongs to service users and provides them with necessary information to challenge service providers if they do n't fulfil their contributions to the plan .
10 Best known in Europe he has had one-artist shows in France , Switzerland and England the thirty-seven year old Parisian makes colossal colour photographs and exhibits them in series .
11 Nevertheless , as I understand it , the individual may be striving towards mature object relations but finds himself in situations where those in authority to whom he may want to relate may cause him to regress towards infantile dependence .
12 Second , it can forge a ‘ pact ’ with one or more of the other parties , which entitles them to be consulted over policy decisions but excludes them from holding ministerial posts .
13 The announcement was welcomed by Malcolm Ingham , wildlife officer for Wirral Borough Council and based at Wirral Country Park , who breeds barn owls and returns them to their natural habitat .
14 The user prepares a document using Berthold fonts and sends it to a bureau for output on an imagesetter which just happens to be running Hell-Xenotron 's Bridgit .
15 But cruelty in intensifying awareness contracts and withdraws it from the pleasures , even from pains not inflicted by the sadist himself .
16 Moët et Chandon has the leading brand in most world markets and supplies one in four of all bottles of champagne exported from F rance .
17 It is not only the numbers of TNC jobs but their specific character in Third World contexts that imbues them with prestige .
18 If the accused person recounts his childhood experiences and relates them to his commission of the crime , is the entire discussion ‘ regarding such crime ’ ?
19 Texas Instruments , having recognised the wider implications of producing high performance processors , has attached great importance to its C compilers and produces them for their TMS320C25 and TMS320C3x .
20 Any action on the part of a religious or other teacher which undermines an individual 's awareness of his personal and family duties and leaves him with the means to claim that a ‘ god ’ will relieve him of them , is an action which is utterly irresponsible .
21 Somewhat later came the present owner , John Matta , who now takes great pleasure in greeting Citalia guests and welcomes them on arrival with a gift of the wonderful Chianti Classico from his excellent cellars and offers them a typical Tuscan dinner at a reasonable price , which is taken most weeks in the castle 's impressive banqueting hall .
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