Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] and [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Pat skin dry and moisturise with a body lotion .
2 Some Allerce trees are up to four thousand years old and a hundred and fifty foot tall and come from a very threatened environment
3 But as she shook her hair free and turned to the door , she realised that Miguel was already missing .
4 Grey eyes swept the outfit which had caused her some qualms , but it was modest compared to Nicky Kai 's , the oyster-coloured chiffon shirt collarless and slit to a point between her breasts , loose enough to leave them a mystery only occasionally glimpsed when she moved , dark nipples a shadowy suggestion .
5 Keep the nipples dry and exposed to the air ; pads can make things worse .
6 I went back into the club proper and headed for the ‘ phone .
7 Then , larger than life , so vivid she might almost have reached out and touched herself , there she was , transformed , hardly recognizable : teeth bared in a grin of manic glee , her eyes white-hot and blazing like a berserk android in a film she had seen once .
8 When the exercises finished for the day , he relaxed into numbness , his mind free and floating on a gently rocking tide .
9 The data stored and manipulated within a GIS are of two specific kinds .
10 Although there has been consultation throughout all stages of the programme 's development , the team in Glasgow , which includes Elaine Wardrope , Ernst & Young 's marketing manager in Scotland , as well as Lockett , has run the programme day-to-day and dealt with the detailed implementation of the programme .
11 The tradition to which they belong evolved an accommodation of Christian doctrine to a body of teaching inherited from Greek philosophy about a kind of knowledge — noesis — which is neither intellectual nor sensual , but in essence experiential and manifested in the human soul .
12 As the fish swims the tail lobes open and close in a slight scissor action .
13 He lay on his bunk with his eyes open and staring at the rafter ceiling for all the hours that were common for the men of Hut 2 .
14 You pass on to Manley Common and travel through the Delamere Forest to reach Nettleford Wood .
15 He collapsed back on the bed , eyes wide and staring at the white ceiling .
16 I try the seafront , but it 's wet and windswept — the summer attractions shuttered and shivering in the damp off the sea .
17 These characters fall into two broad categories , the radial shields are sometimes bar-like and long , often covered over by the disk covering which is usually small thin scales or occasionally stouter scales , or a disk covered by distinct plates with the radial shield distinct and integrated with the other plates .
18 At nearly fifteen he was already over six feet tall and towered over the little Irish doctor in front of him .
19 She was six feet tall and looked like a gorgeous transvestite , possibly the beneficiary of some dirty-minded sex-change operation , over in California there .
20 This castle , built c. 1130 , is of stone and is about 125 feet high and based on a plan 70 feet square .
21 Mauléon also has a rather wonderful Renaissance chateau in the centre of the town , with a roof to remember , a good thirty feet high and pitched at an angle of 75 degrees .
22 The columns were part of an octastyle portico , each 48 feet high and standing on a 22 feet podium .
23 ( He ceased to be a member of the Institute on 3 September 1992 for failing to pay the Disciplinary Committee fine and costs under the terms of Bye-law 41 . )
24 Tamed instincts may protect the individual from vulnerability to external aggression or from emotional abandonment by one to whom he or she is fully committed in an act of love ; but in the process they also render life experiences flat and stand in the way of necessary instinctual release .
25 What he saw was more or less what he 'd expected ; lots of business , big crowds full of stupid people who were n't watching the traffic , every other window steamed-up and hung with a brace of Peking duck .
26 Leave your car in a brightly lit area , have your keys ready and check in the back before you get in .
27 HOLLAND 'S only commercial reactor at Borssele is just about as ordinary a nuclear power plant as you could expect to find : 477 megawatts , 10 years old and saddled with a 20-year contract to supply electricity to the neighbouring Pechiney aluminium smelter at a third of the present going rate .
28 One hundred and ten people infected with HIV reported 119 children , of whom 60 were dependent — that is , less than 16 years old and living with a parent .
29 I am thirteen years old and go to a girls ' school , predominantly working class , at the Elephant and Castle , London .
30 I am deeply grateful to my parents for the fact that until I was twelve years old and started at the grammar school , I was completely unaware of class distinctions .
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