Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [coord] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Physical exercise also has the capacity to be used to attempt to control emotional feelings , to work off the calories consumed in food and to control body size .
2 It is obvious how close these are to the characteristics attributed to speech and to print , respectively .
3 Increasingly these came to employ London banking houses as agents to honour their bills drawn on London and to cash their notes payable in the City , either investing the realised funds or remitting cash into the country .
4 If there was a widespread desire to alter the degree of influence exercised by Parliament and to make the life of a backbench MP an attractive prospect in its own right for public-spirited men and if this could only be done by the acceptance of some new countervailing powers , this would be no harder for successive governments than , for example , accepting the limitations involved in joining the Common Market .
5 After six years in a Birmingham slum parish , Anna thought , you became desperate not to have a front doorstep strewn with down-and-outs and to have a back garden littered with worms , not discarded syringes and used condoms .
6 Once you have learned to see the difference between your own three Faces , you are more likely to look behind the mask presented by others and to understand them better .
7 It must be possible to receive this material in the format agreed with ICC and to read it into the system without delay .
8 Objectivity/DB will be used to manage the design and manufacturing information generated by SteerBear and to provide high-performance concurrency for design groups .
9 The object was to monitor change in the services provided in Nottinghamshire and to evaluate the work of the CMHTs .
10 Although LCH is a principal party , buying as such from the selling member and selling as such to the buying member , reg 21 entitles it to direct the selling member to make delivery to a buying member appointed by LCH and to direct such buying member to pay the contract price to the selling member .
11 Shrewsbury was asked to sponsor the building of many of the churches designed by Pugin and to provide financial support for de Lisle 's schemes for the reconversion of England .
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