Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [coord] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The interpellation ‘ you know ’ is not considered appropriate in standard written styles of the kind taught in schools and used in the ‘ essayist tradition ’ nor in certain formal situations , for example in a television interview .
2 It is the provisional position of the female subject who is still dependent on discourses developed by men and saturated with their prejudices .
3 Meanwhile , the city of London saw various manoeuvres to promote Edward 's deposition : assemblies at the Guildhall included one which resolved to depose him in favour of his son , a decision reported to parliament and supported by a sermon from Orleton on the text ‘ Where there is no true ruler , the people will be destroyed ’ .
4 Above all , leaving the house up on its pier blocks which , a year before , Bob Shephard had supplemented with bell-shaped concrete piers filled with revar and crowned with metal ties holding the house down .
5 The sets , often exquisitely detailed illusion painted on flats or fixed on netting , date from the early 1950s , but the costumes have been made afresh from the original designs and the production is relatively new .
6 Information on possible risk factors for leukaemia and non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma reported at interview and recorded in the obstetric notes are summarised in table VII .
7 In addition , I have put the matter on the agenda for the Ministers of the Interior of our partners in Europe , because I want a European standard with tighter security applying to all cars made in Europe and sold in this country .
8 Cells in spermatogonial mitosis , MI , and MII , from a human testicular biopsy prepared by air-drying and stained with carbon fuchsin , are shown in Figure 1a — c .
9 The Commission also confirmed that there would be no repeat of the row , earlier this year , over the local content of Nissan cars built in Britain and exported to the rest of Europe .
10 For example , the Police National Computer ( PNC ) has a Suspect and Stolen Vehicles file which lists cars seen at demonstrations or owned by people who the police simply wish to keep an eye on , as well as vehicles suspected of being stolen or belonging to criminals ( Manwaring-White , 1983:58–9 ) .
11 De Sede states that Sauniere came across ciphers written on parchment and concealed in a hollow , Visigothic altar pillar , whilst renovating the church at Rennes-le-Chateaux .
12 The new establishment was to be more durable than the experiment envisaged by Athaulf and attempted by Constantius and Aëtius , where a traditional Roman government was supported by barbarian arms .
13 A second important condition proposed by Beveridge and put into practice by the introduction of the National Insurance pension in 1948 was the ‘ retirement condition ’ .
14 Words spoken in parliament and reported in Hansard , the official record , are privileged — that is they are immune from legal action .
15 Last , all the vessels found in the island or fetched from Cherbourg were to be brought into Brading harbour laden with stones and sunk the 800-fathom [ 4800-ft ; 1460-m ] fairway that lies between … the outer road of St Helen 's and the inner one of Spithead .
16 A horse bred at Rise and trained on the track won the St Leger in 1779 .
17 Candlesticks filed into pieces and collected in ladies ' stockings had served for canister for a while , but had been swiftly exhausted .
18 She occasionally contacted me , and for a Christmas present gave me a photograph of Balbinder taken at school and made into a calendar .
19 Term taken from computing and used in media resources .
20 Natural Bio-proteinic Concentrate — an ingredient patented by L'Oréal and used in their new Plenitude Active Wrinkle Control Cream , £6.29/40ml .
21 To begin with , a very large number of the objects recovered from archaeological sites had a ritual function , and many of the images carved on sealstones and painted on wall plaster and pottery show religious symbols , rituals , or mythic events .
22 Considering the mess Hollywood might have been made of Triumph Of The Spirit ( Rocky in the Death Camps ? ) , we should be grateful this true life biopic about a Greek boxer imprisoned in Auschwitz and forced to fight for his captors ' entertainment has ended up the way it has dignified but dull , lacking any real historical punch .
23 Regional spiced Easter specialities are also recorded by Jane Pettigrew in The Festive Table , where she catalogues saffron cakes and buns made in Devon and eaten , not surprisingly , with clotted cream .
24 Where rainwater ‘ soakaways ’ are used , they should be at least 5m ( 16ft 6in ) from the foundations , and consist of an excavated pit not less than a 1m cube filled with gravel and surrounded by silt , sand and gravel .
25 Meringue basket filled with raspberries and topped with raspberry yogurt ( or fill with strawberries or any fruit ) .
26 The volume of pancreatic acini isolated from the saline treated rats was about 2.2 ( 0.3 ) ml per pancreas , whereas that from the rats infused with caerulein and injected with platelet activating factor it was significantly ( p<0.05 ) lower and declined to about 0.8 ( 0.1 ) ml and 0.9 ( 0.2 ) ml , respectively .
27 Michael prepared with pan-fried duckling breasts in a port and wine sauce , cabbage leaf parcels stuffed with Cumberland sausage , sour apple and apricot , and potatoes shaped into barrels and flavoured with yoghurt .
28 He illustrated this by showing slides of downland areas used by walkers and grazed by rabbits and sheep , who naturally control hawthorn scrub and invasive weeds .
29 The landlord grinned , listed the contents of his larder , and within the half-hour served a couple of pullets stuffed with herbs and covered with a piquant sauce of sweet butter and wild berries , a skillet pasty , an apple tansy , and a prodigious marrow pudding .
30 He spoke about the Jews in an Egyptian context , though the fragment preserved by Diodorus and quoted by Photius does not allow us to see the exact place of the Jewish excursus in the plan of his book .
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