Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] been [vb pp] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The eyes had been used to great effect as Queen Gertrude , Imogen , Portia , and Lady Macbeth .
2 Whereas in Britain ( and Sweden ) , the state controlled the Church , feudalism had ended well before it generally disappeared elsewhere in Europe , and manhood suffrage had been extended to large sections of the population — unlike most continental countries where it was attained only at a later date , sometimes not until the early part of the present century .
3 Now computers had been added to natural incompetence , and Cyril the Systems was on the edge of a nervous breakdown .
4 Last-minute concessions had been made to disaffected groups to win their support .
5 Here , it seemed , some labour had been applied to physical comforts , although there was little evidence of efficient housekeeping .
6 Earlier , this obsession had been carried to absurd lengths with the determined pursuit of Sarah Tisdall and Clive Ponting .
7 The story of a plot had been leaked to various newspapers , and on Sept. 19 the authorities put on public display various small firearms , improvised grenades , loudhailers , photocopying equipment and other items which they claimed were being used to make weapons .
8 There was at an early stage evidence that D. had been subjected to violent injury .
9 Faye had been taken to Labour and Delivery , where she waited in a private room for Dr Greene 's arrival .
10 Of particular interest will be the information that : 1 ) Michael Smurfit subscribed for £500,000 ( and not £100,000 as reported elsewhere ) shares in UPH , the company that first acquired the site from the liquidator ; 2 ) Larry Goodman is also a shareholder in UPH through Paribas ; 3 ) John Finnegan , the principal in Finnegan Menton , was an advisory in the original sale to UPH ( at £4.4m ) and to Telecom ( at £9.4m ) only 17 months later ; 4 ) The site had been offered to other property developers by Finnegan Menton at £2.7m in 1988 ; 5 ) The sale to the so-called European consortium , i.e. Noel Smyth 's friends , ( at £6.75m ) was only fully concluded days before Telecom paid over £9.4m for the same site ; 6 ) The bank behind the Smyth/Doherty consortium in Ansbacher Bank .
11 On March 5 India 's Central Bureau of Investigation ( CBI ) filed a First Information Report ( FIR ) in a New Delhi court in connection with allegations that commissions had been paid to Indian middlemen during the government 's purchase of submarines from a West German company , Howaldtswerke Deutsche Werft ( HDW ) , in the early 1980s .
12 During the preparation of this article Professor Howard Mayer Brown was constantly in my mind ; indeed , its title alludes to a phrase coined by him ‘ The English a cappella heresy ’ The news of his death came only days after the final typescript had been submitted to Early music .
13 At this stage also it will almost certainly become apparent that a better job could have been done in the research if only more attention had been given to certain factors which had not been thought beforehand to have been of much importance .
14 At the same time , however , some of these weaknesses might have been avoided if more careful attention had been given to commercial needs by those originally responsible for framing the administrative structures of nationalised industries [ Chester , 1975 ] .
15 Livestock in the area had been closely monitored but little attention had been paid to wild fowl .
16 However , Joaquín Villalobos , an FMLN commander , said that thousands of troops had been deployed to FMLN-controlled areas on Nov. 15-16 , while the Modesto Ramírez Central Front of the FMLN reported heavy troop movements into the Guazapa area , just north of San Salvador .
17 Much of his energy over these last years had been devoted to alchemical experiments to find a new alphabet capable of spelling the English language .
18 Many of these boats had been supplied to foreign naval powers and had been proved able and fast in all sea conditions .
19 Israel had been subjected to similar harsh international criticism when it had last deported a group of Palestinian activists , in May 1991 [ see p. 38213 ] .
20 The fort had been subjected to ceaseless bombardment from the start of the German offensive and had been almost flattened , bottom .
21 All had been strangled , and according to Christie all except his wife had been subjected to sexual assault at or just after the time of death .
22 But the state labour exchanges established by the new legislation were by no means the first attempt to assist workers in finding jobs , though most of the previous efforts had been confined to specific trades or occupations .
23 The researchers found that at three weeks of age , 39% of the infants had been exposed to passive smoking from any source .
24 In about 1800 , a bull and two heifers from the Duke of Bedford 's herd had been exported to southern Africa in order to improve the weak , long-legged local oxen .
25 Thus much three-dimensional work was evident in the Art rooms a year later , homework had been given greater emphasis , a tentative start had been made to interdepartmental links with Craft and Needlecraft and the ‘ O ’ and ‘ A ’ Level courses were being revised .
26 Despite the occasional call for a militant renewal of the Leavisian enterprise , by 1970 every one of its fundamental ideological props had been subjected to considerable strain .
27 the head of the operation in central Bosnia said the Moslems had been subjected to blatant human rights abuses and the U N might soon have to evacuate them .
28 For years , the choice in London for deaf people had been confined to church-based institutes under the umbrella of the Royal Association of the Deaf and Dumb , or to the more upper-class independent National Deaf Club , which still flourished and held regular meetings as well as badminton and tennis tournaments .
29 Rover spokesman Ian Strachan said the cash offer had been made to white and blue collar workers throughout the group .
30 A report issued on June 20 by the New York-based human rights group , Human Rights Watch , documented what it called " state sanctioned violence " against women and claimed that more than 70 per cent of women in custody had been subjected to physical and sexual abuse by police .
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