Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] that it was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Holmes agreed that it was in ‘ the homes of the children ’ that ‘ the source of the trouble so often lies ’ and concluded that ‘ the problem of the dirty school child is not one which could be solved by any enquiry into the School Medical Service ’ .
2 Both Ian McGeechan and David Sole admitted that it was by far their side 's worst performance of the season .
3 It had taken a week to obtain , and had Hapsburg officialdom realized that it was for him rather than Aranyos it would have been unlikely to arrive before the end of the war .
4 Maj. Botha believed that it was of " cardinal importance " that the rally should prove a success and that a " donation " should be made to Inkatha to finance it .
5 Peering through the gloom , Lucy saw that it was about a foot high , its tailless , cone-shaped body covered with loose , shaggy hair-like brown plumage , tapering to a small head .
6 In this way the child learnt that it was in his own interest for the experimenter to go to the empty box .
7 International law recognised that it was for each state to determine the conditions upon which it granted its nationality to ships , subject to there being a genuine link between the flag state and the vessel .
8 Perhaps just because she was Bob 's fiancée — but Tessa felt that it was for herself as well .
9 Saddam Hussein threatened that it was in his power to sponsor terrorist attacks on the countries ranged against him .
10 At one institution a group of medical officers argued that it was against the interests of most long-term hospital residents with chronic illnesses to be resettled in community units .
11 By the end of 1982 , Crocker 's quarterly figures showed that it was in trouble .
12 Scott J concluded that it was in the public interest for there to have been disclosure to those two bodies .
13 Although workers tended to stay with one firm most of the time , fluctuations in trade meant that it was by no means unknown to move about on a short-term basis .
14 Glancing at his watch , Donaldson saw that it was after five ; seven hours since he 'd been picked up at the courtroom , during which time he 'd skipped lunch and spent his afternoon handing tidbits to a bright primate .
15 Some practitioners complained that it was to difficult to estimate in advance and could lead to aggressive underpricing which may affect the quality of the work .
16 But the NFL recognised that it was in the entertainment business .
17 ERC noted that it was on target with its 1991 budget .
18 Harley thought that it was from 1694 that the Dissenters acted " against all their principles and the liberties of the nation " by adhering to the ministerial section of the Whig party .
19 However , in Strange ( SW ) Ltd v Mann [ 1965 ] 1 All ER 1069 Stamp J said that it was against public policy to allow an employer to exercise control by way of contract over an employee 's skill and knowledge .
20 Alexei thought that it was on the whole foolish to remain where he was while there was an armed trooper to guard the two women .
21 Cody maintained that it was in tension and had provided a wire .
22 The hearing officer held that it was for the employee to establish that the employer 's possession of patent protection was an influential factor in persuading the customer to order wholly non-patented items while awaiting the redesign of the patented invention .
23 ‘ The cases in which the principle has been applied are cases in which the nature , scope and purpose of the function vested in the repository made it unlikely that Parliament intended that it was to be exercised by the repository personally because administrative necessity indicated that it was impractical for him to act otherwise than through his officers or officers responsible to him .
24 So after very careful consideration and discussion , I and my Board colleagues decided that it was in the best interests of AEA and its employees to go ahead now .
25 First , the pope asserted that it was upon evidence presented by Offa that Hadrian had based his judgement , Offa testifying that it was the unanimous wish of all that a pallium be sent to the bishop of Lichfield .
26 In the 1924 election manifesto , the Labour party explained that it was by the international record of the Government , rather than by any direct schemes of job creation , that the electorate should judge its efforts to solve the problem of unemployment .
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