Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] go off [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In 1914 the art schools had all but atrophied ; the models had gone off to the munitions factories , and students had been replaced by retired businessmen seeking distraction from their troubles .
2 Almost exactly a year later , a bomb did go off in the basement car park during the evening rush hour , causing many minor casualties , and about £350m in damage , about ten per cent of which was ultimately reinsured in the London market .
3 Five weeks earlier a bomb had gone off at the entrance to the underground car park below the flat he rented in central Hamburg .
4 Security chiefs said there would have been widespread bloodshed if the bomb had gone off inside the soldiers ' quarters in Cookstown on Tuesday .
5 In the evenings , after Granpa had come home for supper and the old man had gone off to the pub , I soon became bored just sitting around listening to what my sisters had been up to all day ; so I joined the Whitechapel Boys ' Club .
6 Then I told him that my friends had gone off in the wrong direction and that I was willing to pay the owner of the moped for taking a message to them .
7 Rockets continued to go off outside the building .
8 Barry had gone off up the road on his bike .
9 The women and children had gone off to the caves — , ‘ Did you not fight ? ’
10 He was glad Rebel had gone off towards the road , though he had probably run back by now for the loaf .
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