Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] what [pron] had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 When he returned Mum asked what they had said .
2 As soon as her mind registered what it had seen she jumped away from the car door , a scream issuing from her that cut through the night air .
3 After the stridency and aggression of the school , the hate-mail , she was happy to find her temporary asylum in this gentle household where voices were never raised , where no one obsessively analysed her every sentence in the hope of detecting racist , sexist or fascist undertones , where words meant what they had meant for generations , where obscenities were unknown or at least unspoken , where there was the grace of good order symbolized for her in Mr Copley 's reading of the Church 's daily offices , Morning Prayer and Evensong .
4 Calming down , Loretta outlined what she had discovered about the dead man .
5 Chopra contemplated what he had seen : a series of disconnected limbs squirming and fighting in what appeared to be a pool of mud .
6 Farrar knew what he had got into now , and stood to attention .
7 No doubt everyone in Mouncy Street knew what he had bought and had been looking or waiting for him to find out .
8 Rain wondered what they had spoken about , how long the conversation had lapsed before she joined them .
9 For the benefit of those who would suggest that section 2(1) ( b ) shows that appropriation is something which can be done with the consent of the owner , I would paraphrase that provision by saying ‘ if he appropriates the property in the belief that he would have the other 's consent if the other knew what he had done and the circumstances in which he did it . ’
10 It did n't matter how old she was , or what her personal wishes were , when her father saw what she had done to her hair he would undoubtedly try to murder her .
11 God knew what she had found .
12 The first telephone call Derek Fairfax received after reaching the office on Wednesday proved what he had begun to suspect : that the death of Maurice Abberley amounted to rather more than the newspapers had revealed .
13 In a few short sentences Quinn explained what he had done .
14 Marian explained what she had seen from the Ridgery .
15 About an hour later her mother arrived and , when Liz explained what she had done , telephoned for an ambulance .
16 The Soviets obtained what they had hoped for since the war : an agreement that European borders should be changed only by peaceful means , which in effect recognised the post-war settlement in Eastern Europe .
17 Athelstan remembered what he had learnt from his study of the Index of Saints but decided not to confide in Sir John .
18 There we elders heard what we had despaired of hearing — a lecture on Comus which placed its importance where the poet placed it — and watched ‘ the yonge fresshe folkes he or she ’ who filled the benches listening first with incredulity , then with toleration , and finally with delight , to something so strange and new in their experience as the praise of chastity .
19 Ranulf repeated what he had said .
20 Pakeezah repeated what she had said .
21 Hazel peered closely into the thick , coarse hair ( a rabbit 's foot has no pads ) and after a few moments saw what he had expected — the oval shank Of a snapped-off thorn sticking out through the skin .
22 Dad saw what I had done but he covered the coal with an old sack , winked and whispered , ‘ Good girl . ’
23 As he dressed for dinner in his room , Dorian remembered what he had seen and cold fear ran through him like a knife .
24 Afterwards , Nicholas wondered what he had expected from Zacco .
25 Gathering the soldiers around him , the Commanding Officer explained what he had set out to achieve two weeks ago .
26 As harvest time was drawing to a close and autumn would soon be upon them , Tamar admitted what she had tried to deny for the last few weeks .
27 I thing the money we received from one or two gigs equalled what we had earned all year in Britain .
28 In the CI5 computer room , Bodie reported what he had found out about the girl to Cowley .
29 Eileen knew what she had thought of the Arbuthnots and their kind , until she fell in love with Philip .
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