Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] as [pron] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 Ruth 's fingers trembled as she obeyed him .
2 Rachel 's pulses thundered as she allowed him to lead her to the dance-floor beneath the flashing lights .
3 His dark eyes shone as he realized he was part of a British medical team that could and would meet any emergency that came along .
4 Lucy swallowed as she sent him a nervous glance .
5 Then her eyes flashed as she recognized him .
6 Ross drawled as she joined him , clearly appreciating the sight before him as his hard grey eyes swept over her tall , slender figure .
7 ‘ Guest room 's good enough for him tonight , ’ Fiona grunted as they swung him onto the bed and dropped him .
8 The older man laughed , albeit a little uncomfortably , Kate thought as she watched him drive away .
9 The friar turned as someone tapped him on the shoulder .
10 Stuart wriggled as she cuddled him .
11 Evelyn shuddered as she watched him crouch for a second , then spring up and take off jauntily like a half mangled insect .
12 Watching from the window , Hilary grinned as she saw him hurry towards the driver , and only when he 'd climbed into the car did she move .
13 Merrill protested as she handed him the file .
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